You're right. I have "tunnel vision" right now. My heart was broken and it was 100% unexpected. He came into my life at the most random time. (When I wasn't actually looking). And it felt too good to be true. I was waiting for "the other shoe drop." And just as expected, it did. I can't help but blame myself for this outcome. Which is why I think I'm so attached to the outcome. I think there's something I can actually do to make him change his mind. It's eating me up inside.
Most of my "successes" seem to be unintentional ones on people I'm not even targeting.... or in the case of the local guy here, I was intentionally trying to "wish" my way into things with him before I met the long distance guy, (and before I even knew what LOA and manifestation was) but it was only when I met and became truly interested in someone else, that then (sort of) what I wanted manifested with him. Still not commitment though which is what I really desire from a partner, but a really big difference. I could see it in his eyes when he looked at me, or in how different it felt when he kissed me, and he thanked me and was appreciative of me every time we spent time together, and he was doing all the chasing / contacting me first lol. He literally didn't want to let go of me when I was there, even while he was eating food I had brought over, he hugged me and held me to his chest, really tightly, almost uncomfortably lol not even wanting to break contact long enough to eat dinner. Not that he was completely cold or unfeeling before, but nothing at all like this.
I wonder if he hadn't have gotten sick (still recovering from his surgery now even) if we would have continued frequent contact and drawn closer. -- I also wonder if I would have even wanted that since I was at the time really "hung up on" long distance guy (and still kinda am. Only in the last few days have I begun feeling "better" and that I deserve "better" and starting to let go.).
I still want to be with long distance guy, but it's like I want "more" than what he's been treating me like lately and as I realize that, it's helped me to start to let go and be less attached to the outcome. I see a lot of girls on here wish for their Person of Interest "Or Something Better" - and I think it's that hope I have inside for "Something Better" if not from my target(s) then from some person I have not met yet - but I just try to carry the hope / trust that that "Something Better" will appear eventually. Either my targets will become a better match for me, or I will find someone "better".
Either way I will be happy, I was so hung up on local guy here - although I did eventually begin dating other people casually but none of them rivaled what I felt for this person - I still held onto that desire to be with him, until I met the long distance guy, even hours before meeting the guy, I told everyone and myself "no way he'll be as cute / handsome or that I'll like him as much" and then when I opened the door, he was 100 times cuter and more handsome, and I liked him even more. So even though it's totally normal / common to feel like "I don't want better, or there can't be better than my special person" you never know. Universe/God knows better than you what you want, and Universe / God will deliver exactly what you want once the timing is right. Sadly that timing is not up to us, but instead up to Universe / God. I'm hoping to one day be pleasantly surprised again and find even better, although until that moment happens I still feel like it's not possible even though I've been proven wrong once before already LOL.
Missy: thank you for your response. I'm such a control freak by nature that I'm having such a difficult time with this because I want it so badly. I know that's coming from a place of lack. Ah!!!
Rainbow: whoa! What a response. So you have had experience with manifesting? That's good to hear. I am at the point where I can't seem to let go. I know him and I are supposed to be together! I'm trying so hard to be positive.
I've not had good results. I'm new here though, and still not detached from the outcome. Though I am working on that. I didn't do the love spell, but that's because I worry about candles since I have cats and cats and candles don't mix lol.
The best I've gotten is he's started to like stuff pretty frequently again on social media. But I've learned I need to move on. He isn't going to be the love I want / need him to be - at least not right now - and this may be because my vibration is not high enough to attract the type of relationship I want yet.
In my case we are separated by physical distance - he uses that as an excuse, to I assume, not hurt my feelings, meanwhile he drives twice, or thrice, as far for other things / other people. So it's pretty clear it's a "lie" even if it's meant to "protect me" or "save my feelings" or "save the friendship" when he says things like "It really is just the distance, I like you too, but the distance is much harder than I thought it was going to be" or "I don't have time" etc. It's clearly "BS" lol. -- I'm not really that needy, and I don't expect to be joined at the hip, but it's been 2 months since he's come to see me, and he used to send me super cute messages every morning, every lunch break, and at night, about how he missed me, wanted to snuggle, etc, and liking stuff on social media and that stopped, completely around the time his visits stopped. And so far the only "improvement" is he likes stuff on social media again. And I know he reads / checks up on me, because he'll like stuff from days ago which is pushed way down by newer stuff. But this is still not what I "want in a relationship" obviously, I want someone that wants to be with me, and makes more effort than this. Like how he used to be up until a few weeks ago coming to see me every other weekend and being cute/flirty and "attentive" etc.
So I'm learning to move on. I try to remind myself to be grateful / thankful for his friendship. That's the most important thing to me because we have so much in common and I enjoy his personality so much. We are still in contact - although, I have to do most of the contacting now these past few weeks, but when I do go no contact for about a week, he will write to me and ask me if everything's OK and that he hasn't heard from me, etc. Which shows he at least wants to maintain a friendship, and I know his white lies are also to try to salvage our friendship without hurting me. So instead of being angry, I try to be "grateful" that he cares enough to want to let me down gently, etc. even though I would prefer he's just honest. I know he's doing it for a "good reason" to him and out of "kindness".
So instead now, I just try to focus on attracting new love, someone that has alllll of the qualities I like in him, plus someone that has the qualities he is lacking (such as making me a priority / making time for me / wanting commitment and so on).
I go to meet up groups with platonic friends. I was actually able to manifest almost an exact outcome with platonic friends. I have anxiety, and I pictured myself for days before the meetup talking to everyone and having a good time. Then I started thinking that might be asking too much (No such thing as "too much" in LOA, but I decided to start smaller) I visualized that I would talk to 5 people. -- In the end, after the event I had 3 new facebook friend requests from people I had talked to at the meetup, AND I had talked to 2 others who I didn't exchange contact info with. I was still really awkward, but I did manage to talk to the 5 people I visualized. I went from having 1 "really good friend" in the meetup group to now having "4 good friends" (or on my way there, we're still acquaintances, but now we can chat and get to know each other better!)
I also manifested a few things on a date about 3 weeks ago with some one new. Including a negative thing (a car accident that I was worried about lol). and positive things (I envisioned and did briefly try PW on this target) to get him to come see me instead - I was worried about the long drive, so instead when I tried to break off the date, instead of being mad he suggested we meet half way. So we did. And even though it was somewhere I was familiar with, I still backed into a car (or whether we backed into each other / didn't see each other). It was minor. We didn't exchange insurance - but the thing I had anxiety / worry / giving my attention to - it manifested even though we changed where to meet etc. heh.
You have to be careful of your thoughts, your thoughts bring about all of your manifestations, both good and bad.
Prior to PW I do read the scripts, but that's more to boost my own vibration, and get into a happy / light mind set. Sometimes I do try to send him happy / secure thoughts about how wonderful our future would be together, etc, but I focus more on just what I want him to say to me, and continue to boost my vibration by focusing on how those things would make me feel if he did say them to me. My PW are super brief, 5 to 10 minutes. I sometimes meditate for 15-20 minutes first but a lot of times I just do a quick PW.
Anyways as for what I do during PW, I usually envision the same thing each time, which Lanie says is fine. I just envision my POI with his back to me, usually getting out of his car after coming to see me, etc, since it's a sight I'm used to seeing, I can visualize his car and his body language etc after the long drive. I call his name 3 times, and he turns, and I envision him telling me what I want to hear, which is brief, and something along the lines of how he's missed me, and that he's sorry he's been so busy, and that I'm right and that the distance is just a temporary obstacle and that he's thought about what I've said / asked and that he really would like to try dating and being exclusive and that everything's going to work out etc.
I picture him hugging me and the relief I will feel, and the gratitude, and happiness, comfort, warmth, etc. I consider each of those feelings and try to enjoy them / remember certain things etc from our previous dates and use that to "tap into" my happiness from those memories and try to really hold onto those positive feelings.
Typically before PW, I will do guided meditation (or even hypnosis sometimes) - I don't do Lanie's meditations, I just find free ones on Youtube.
I did one for subliminal self esteem / self love, and actually fell asleep as he was instructing the viewer to count backwards, and woke up just mere seconds before he said "you will wake up and feel amazing" - I must be susceptible to hypnosis. It was my first time trying it lol.
I was doing PW every day, twice a day, right before I fell asleep and as soon as I woke up before even moving in my bed. This is because during these times your subconscious mind is still more active than your conscious mind so you're less likely to think negative contradictory "rational" thoughts.
But now as I've been letting go, I hardly do PW anymore. And when I do, I'm doing it on other targets now, and mostly just for "fun". to see if I can manifest anything, like with random cute guys at the store or new guys I've been dating / chatting with and so on.
Sometimes I have also manifested / attracted attention / affection from people I have not targeted at all - which they say is common because they're attracted to the positive energy you're putting out into the universe. I had a text from one guy I've been chatting with (haven't met yet), hadn't chatted with him in like a month (both just got busy and kinda fell outta contact) and after doing PW (not even on him) for like 3 days, suddenly out of the blue he said "I've been thinking about you and really want to see you soon" -- also just 1 day before that, I had a text from someone else (also that I haven't even met yet) that said they just got off the phone with their grandmother and had a long conversation about me lol.
I have another Person of Interest too, but unlike my main target we don't have much "foundation" of a good solid friendship first, and more of just a "sex" thing. -- I spent a long time (over a year) before really knowing about LOA or Lanie or Abraham Hicks or anything else -- trying to make this person want a relationship with me. We rarely saw each other, and I used to do 90% of the initial contacting. He lives close by, but we'd go months sometimes without seeing each other. -- I had begun dating other people for the past several months, which he knew, but I never felt for any of them like I did for him -- then I met my "main target" and suddenly this other person of interest changed, we started seeing each other twice a week or more often, and he was more loving, tender, sweet, kind, he began chatting to me almost every day, even texting me as soon as I'd get off work wanting to see me. -- I feel like I manifested that change, because it happened as soon as I really did move on. I no longer really cared if I was with this person, no longer "longed" for it the way I did before "from a place of lacking something". In fact, I wasn't really even thinking anymore about this person. He became ill though about a month ago so I haven't seen him lately, and our schedules are very different so I don't know when I'll see him again. I'm pretty confident that I will see him again though at some point lol.
I was also able to manifest spending christmas with him last year (a few days after the holiday). I spent thanksgiving through christmas visualizing / wishing / praying that I could see him. I had a very very specific visualization - and the meeting went NOTHING like my visualization LOL. I visualized sitting by a sparkling christmas tree, snuggled with a blanket wrapped around both of us as we sat and drank hot chocolate and he would lean down and nuzzle the top of my head with his cheek. - Instead, what happened is I was out shopping with my family, and came home to find a Christmas present from him. I was floored and shocked because I had not seen him in 3 months, and we barely spoke and I usually had to be the one initiating, so I just didn't think we were close enough that he'd get me a gift. It was something small, but something very specific that was on a wishlist from a site he purchased it from, so he took time to think of me, and look at my wish list and choose a gift he felt I'd like, and that alone was enough to make me happy. I contacted him to thank him for the gift and he invited me over. It was only I think the 2nd time I'd spent the night at his place. And it was like a Christmas miracle. The weeks before AND after this, we were hit by bad ice storms, that even though it's not a very long drive, I wouldn't have wanted to be out in it. But for a period of 5 or 6 days, the temperatures warmed up and every single drop of snow / ice melted. every last bit of it. We had temperatures in the 60s which is crazy because it's usually like 20 below zero that time of year. It was as if the universe was making things happen to allow for my manifestation - which I later learned is actually what happens. We are not supposed to worry about "how" because the universe takes care of "how" for us. We must simply ask, and do the "work" of raising our vibration by having less negative thoughts and more positive ones.
So what you visualize, isn't really important, and you should not expect to see / hear your person of interest saying or doing exact things you visualize. Whatever you visualize just needs to be something clear to you that you can believe and that makes you feel emotional (in a good / positive way). The visualization isn't about controlling them, it's about replacing your own negative thoughts and emotions with happy and positive thoughts and emotions.
So yes, Manifestation does work - but only after you let go of the outcome. Which is almost impossible to do, especially when it's relationship related because our feelings get in the way. This is normal and what we all struggle with. I just try to live my life and move on, and it's not even so this will work better, it's because I'm realizing I deserve and desire more than what he is giving to me right now. Universe knows what I want, and God / Universe will make it happen. It might not be exactly with him, it may be with someone who has all of his qualities, plus even more. I trust that things will always get better, and just try to focus on staying positive or at least "Less Bad". You can't jump from feeling devastated and lost to feeling amazing. But you can work on feeling "better" and "less bad" and once you're consistently better, then strive for a little bit better, and repeat, as you slide up the emotional scale.
Living in the end result means feeling the feelings you would feel if you had what or who you want, thinking thoughts on a daily basis you would think if you had what or who you want and doing activities you would do if you had it. It means living that life now, walking the walk and takling the talk. I hope that helps
Thanks for your reply! 😊
It seems my end results are right there with yours! I did do a vision board too. I started scripting a few weeks ago, but stopped. Maybe I will continue doing so. So when you do your PW sessions are you visualizing the things you've written about?
I know I'm overthinking this whole visualizing thing. I know I want to be with him, but I fear my visualizations don't have enough feeling/ emotion behind them.
What kind of results has you had? And also, have you done love spell?
It's different for different people because everyone has a different result that they want. For me, I do "scripting" this is where you keep a journal and write in first person, present tense as if it had already happened / is happening now. I write things like about hypothetical future kids, the house we will have, both inside and outside, and the kids playing in a pool, or on a trampoline, or in the yard with hypothetical dog. Meeting each others' friends, even our wedding some day. Family vacations we would take to places, holidays together, pretty much a whole imaginary life together.
The key is though when you are writing about it, don't use words like hypothetical, future, imaginary, "some day" "will" "would" etc. Just write like anyone would write in a journal about what they actually did that day.
I feel embarrassed, but it does help with visualization. I re-read what I write a few times a day, before I do meditation and PW / LOA / EFT etc. and it helps me firm up my feelings and get more detailed with my visualizations.
But everyone is different
I also started a dream board with pictures that look and feel like what love / happiness / family etc all look like to me, but that again is personal and different for every person.
Some people don't do any of these things and just focus on these "end" thoughts while doing PW and BWD - the "end result" is what your life/relationship will look like once you attract him back into your life.
The key is to be as detailed as possible and take time to slowly FEEL the happiness and gratitude that you would feel if it was reality. Let your thoughts and dreams about the future make you just as happy as if it was actually occurring right now.
The reason you do this, is you have to raise your "vibration". There are other books that talk much much more in detail about the WHY you want to do this. I recommend looking at Abraham Hicks (Esther and Jerry Hicks). They go into a lot of detail about the law of attraction and your vibration and "emotional set points".
I was just doing a PW/BWD mixed session and afterward I felt good. But I was wondering what people mean when they say "visualize the end result." What exactly does that mean?? And how do I do it?