joshbemine, I can't tell you what to do. But I can tell you I am right there with you with the fluctuations in feelings and moods. I have really great moments and then I become paranoid. And although I don't have too much experience with this, from what I've read and what I've been told, I do think that has a lot to do with the lack of manifestation in the physical realm. People have said it works regardless of your POI's relationship status. So as difficult as it is, TRY not to think about his relationship. It only adds doubt to whether you can actually manifest or not, which ultimately leads to not manifesting. Believe me. I know it's easier said than done. But what we have to realize is if it's something we truly desire, we need to do everything in our power to make it happen.
I did just get confirmation again last night that the techniques do work! Although not from my POI. There was a guy I started talking to on an online dating site a little over a year ago. We never met up (I just wasn't that interested) but he still follows me on Instagram. So the other week when I first started he commented on a selfie in a DM and said "hi! Remember me?" So I thought it was proof the techniques work. Then last night, he commented on one of my stories on Instagram in another DM and said "you owe me a date!" So although it's not my POI, I have to have faith that it works. I have a few other situations where men have been coming out of the wood work. Men who I am not interested in (completely detached from). Now, the point is WE have to detach from our POIs in order for THEM to reach out.
Good luck!!!
Yes Forgetmenot it is hard to detach even more so when you're friends with them on FB. Today was the first time I actually felt at peace and a knowing that he was going to come into my life permanently, I was sitting having coffee with friends and I felt so happy, my business is even taking off, it was like yes he's mine!! He's here!! It's always these days of detachment that he contacts me though the messages always ends up upsetting me in some way or he posts something on Facebook, and yep there was the post, today's was officially engagement party tonight. So the happy feelings didn't last long not that I feel sad because this has been long drawn out engagement announcement, there is one every week since he got engaged but it left me feeling confused because I don't know how I am suppose to feel when I have already felt the knowing, if you know what I mean.
Am I just gullible.
He shows no signs of having any love feelings for me at all, so I don't even know if these techniques work. I know they work in a way that they help you cope and love yourself but I don't know about him getting my love and feeling it, because he seems to be getting further and further away from me. I don't think he would even class me as a friend now maybe just an acquaintance…. Ouch!! I am thankful that if I do message him he always replies back and has told me on a few occasion that he is always there for me. I have thought about giving up but my heart and intuition say don't give up on him, be patient. It was my intuition that brought me to him.
I don't do the techniques every day anymore only when I feel like it, maybe over time it will stop totally. This is the second guy I have used these techniques on the first guy I didn't get anywhere and lost interest but I wasn't in a good place at the time and I don't want him anyway, didn't tick any of the boxes when I did my list of what I want in a guy and I realise that when this guy came into my life. Not sure where to go from here, whether to believe my knowing feeling that I had all not.
Sorry I didn't mean to post such a long post but I have no one else to discuss this with and I had to get it out. I hope you all have great success. Still very confused with my feelings.
Detaching is the most difficult thing for me. I mean I'm a little confused to be honest about the whole detachment thing. Obviously we're going to have some attachment to an extent because we're doing the techniques. But I think it's now the fact we need to do the techniques, feel good about them, and then let it go, going about your day. I do feel like I've gotten better with it. But it's still so damn hard. When you want something you normally can't stop thinking about it!
Lalande wrote:
Thank you so much! That's definitely reassuring. I didn't think of how much more difficult having an attachment would be to a lost love, I just kept getting hung up on how if I was trying to attract someone back then at least they'd have a way to get a hold of me. I will keep believing
It's bad... Haha... I can't detach.
Thank you so much! That's definitely reassuring. I didn't think of how much more difficult having an attachment would be to a lost love, I just kept getting hung up on how if I was trying to attract someone back then at least they'd have a way to get a hold of me. I will keep believing x
I think it'll definitely work for you, and way easier than it works for some of us, at least me.
You're not attached to the outcome of a lost love returning. All you have to do is believe.
Gd luck
Hey everyone!
I came across Lanie's books a couple of weeks ago and already feel so much better in myself. I see all these great success stories and helpful pieces of advice but wondered if these techniques would also work for my situation. Sorry in advance if this gets lengthy!
Last month, I went on a road trip from Canada through a small part of the US. By chance, a friend from my home country was also visiting the US on a similar time schedule to mine, so we arranged to meet up. On a Friday night, we chose a random tavern to relax in, and after getting sick of standing in a crowded place with no air conditioning, two seats at the bar opened up and my friend and I sidled in to take them. A guy sitting next to these stools instantly struck up conversation with me, and I thought he and I jived really well. We had quick, easy banter in between proper get to know you-type questions, took playful jabs at each other, both work in the same field, and we shared drinks a couple of times. He asked if we wanted to go to Portland with him the next day because he had the weekend to kill before going home to another part of the US, he was in this city for work, but my friend turned him down and left me at the bar to see her ex. He and I stayed chatting for a bit and by this time were sitting next to each other, so when I heard a buzz I instantly looked around to find the source and noticed he'd received a text. I didn't let my eyes linger, but I saw it was from another woman, and his mood did a total 180. What I did see is that the text was along the lines of how effed things are and how effed he is etc. On that note, he picked up both our tabs and walked me back to the intersection of my hotel, and talked about going back home the next day instead of hanging around for the weekend. We didn't trade info but he seemed pretty withdrawn at this point.
I can stop thinking about him in the sense of not obsessing and I'm not letting my imagination build a life with this guy, but remembering how I felt when I met him and how that night unfolded and what could have been had we gone to Portland is unlike any feeling I've experienced. I wonder if he wasn't just put in my path to show me that there are better options out there other than this guy who's recently come back into my life (but not in a romantic way anymore), but knowing what city he's from and that it's not too far from where I'm living in Canada, I don't see why our paths couldn't cross at some point. That said, I also don't see how I can manifest him exactly. Do I ask for him to do something during meditation like post some missed connections thing on craigslist or just keep visualizing us seeing each other again? Is worrying about the "how" stuffing up my mojo and also something that needs to be let go? Is PW even the best thing for this?
Apologies for all the questions toward the end, I get caught up in reading things but it feels as though I'm out of my depth sometimes because the night did just.. end.
Thank you for your time