strawberryking wrote:
Shayne wrote:
That all sounds good! I may take a few of those for myself lol. I've only gone on 2 dates with this guy. Basically, we both used to work at the same company (different departments) and we'd see each other just about everyday. We'd talk to each other before heading out and it would always be casual conversation. I knew there was mutual attraction between us because he would always flirt subtly but I think because we worked at the same company, he didn't want to start anything (which is understandable). So to make a long story short, in late July, he text me and wanted to hang out so we did! We went to dinner and then a bar afterwards. It was a really cool night which and I enjoyed myself. We then hung out again maybe 2 weeks after that. We met at a cool lounge nearby my place and had a couple of drinks and just talked and laughed throughout the night. We wound up going back to his place. Made out for the first time and he attempted to reach for my pants. I politely moved his hand. I wasn't ready to have sex with him so soon. I want to hang out some more before doing that. So that happened back on August 19th. We're in September and now, nothing but a few "liked" pics on my Facebook
. He hasn't initiated contact, but I have with him. He's always cool and funny when we chat so it's not like he's short with me. So basically, i'm trying to get him to do what he was doing before with PW but I want to make sure I'm saying the best things. Nothing mundane. I actually just got done not too long ago and visualized him telling me that he missed me and that he can't seem to get me off of his mind and that he's going to "make me his lady." Stuff like that. So I'm hoping those are good things to visualize. What do you think?
Oh Shayne, I really relate to what you're saying here! My POI is always cool and funny with me too, so I know the chemistry is definitely there. He just doesn't seem to have time to meet me. In those 3-4 weeks where I felt he was the most distant, I matched him at his level while doing all my RS behind the scenes. Finally, there was one day I just felt inspired to ask him out and it worked! So I would say be open to this possibility of being the one to ask him out if the timing is right, what do you think?
Sometimes I think their response also depends a lot on their personalities. My POI is quite laid back but also fairly emotionally guarded, so I can see why he may not be openly affectionate even if he may feel that way.
As for what he should say in his visualisations, I guess this is also something I'm working on right now. The deeper, non-mundane stuff is great, but sometimes I wonder if these may be too much/too intense for him, which is why I throw in a variety. But I do wonder if it's better to have him say different things or to stick with a set phrase until he actually says it to me in real?
Another thing is, I also like to mix my RS methods a bit - so I'll do PW one day, BWD or Amargi's MT another day, then Wendi, etc. Although sometimes I feel a bit overwhelmed by the amount of things I need to be doing lol, including the LoA stuff... what else have you tried?
It's so great to have someone going through a similar situation as me! It really helps! I don't mind asking him out at all. I guess I was just trying to do the visualizations long enough for him to ask me out lol. I'm a woman who loves to be pursued. I can tell that our POI's are so damn alike. Mine is also very laid back. From what I've gathered, he's more or a "show-er when the time is right" type of person. I could be wrong but that's what it seems like. Our texting is for the birds in my opinion which, I don't care too-too much about. It's the time we spend together and how often that I care about and for him to tell me the things that I visualize. Don't get me wrong, it would be nice to see some flirty texts from him lol it's just not the main thing.
I've actually never heard of Amargi and Wendi before but curious to learn more.
Shayne wrote:
That all sounds good! I may take a few of those for myself lol. I've only gone on 2 dates with this guy. Basically, we both used to work at the same company (different departments) and we'd see each other just about everyday. We'd talk to each other before heading out and it would always be casual conversation. I knew there was mutual attraction between us because he would always flirt subtly but I think because we worked at the same company, he didn't want to start anything (which is understandable). So to make a long story short, in late July, he text me and wanted to hang out so we did! We went to dinner and then a bar afterwards. It was a really cool night which and I enjoyed myself. We then hung out again maybe 2 weeks after that. We met at a cool lounge nearby my place and had a couple of drinks and just talked and laughed throughout the night. We wound up going back to his place. Made out for the first time and he attempted to reach for my pants. I politely moved his hand. I wasn't ready to have sex with him so soon. I want to hang out some more before doing that. So that happened back on August 19th. We're in September and now, nothing but a few "liked" pics on my Facebook
. He hasn't initiated contact, but I have with him. He's always cool and funny when we chat so it's not like he's short with me. So basically, i'm trying to get him to do what he was doing before with PW but I want to make sure I'm saying the best things. Nothing mundane. I actually just got done not too long ago and visualized him telling me that he missed me and that he can't seem to get me off of his mind and that he's going to "make me his lady." Stuff like that. So I'm hoping those are good things to visualize. What do you think?
Oh Shayne, I really relate to what you're saying here! My POI is always cool and funny with me too, so I know the chemistry is definitely there. He just doesn't seem to have time to meet me. In those 3-4 weeks where I felt he was the most distant, I matched him at his level while doing all my RS behind the scenes. Finally, there was one day I just felt inspired to ask him out and it worked! So I would say be open to this possibility of being the one to ask him out if the timing is right, what do you think?
Sometimes I think their response also depends a lot on their personalities. My POI is quite laid back but also fairly emotionally guarded, so I can see why he may not be openly affectionate even if he may feel that way.
As for what he should say in his visualisations, I guess this is also something I'm working on right now. The deeper, non-mundane stuff is great, but sometimes I wonder if these may be too much/too intense for him, which is why I throw in a variety. But I do wonder if it's better to have him say different things or to stick with a set phrase until he actually says it to me in real?
Another thing is, I also like to mix my RS methods a bit - so I'll do PW one day, BWD or Amargi's MT another day, then Wendi, etc. Although sometimes I feel a bit overwhelmed by the amount of things I need to be doing lol, including the LoA stuff... what else have you tried?
strawberryking wrote:
Manifestation Maven wrote:
Its really important to focus on your own vibration and your own life/happiness anyone who is a deliberate practicer of LOA and or RS can tell you that once you start to dissect and analyze the other parties behaviour too much and act from a place of fear based emotions rather than love is when things start to unravel and go left.
Thank you Maven for your advice! You are right in that I do often lapse into overthinking and overanalysing. I'm trying to stop myself from doing this and to adopt an overall zen attitude but it's admittedly a challenge every day. While I feel extremely grateful we are in contact every day, i feel the downside is I get more easily affected by the things he says or does...
Manifestation Maven wrote:
So keep doing what you've been doing but focus on positive emotions and focus on being in the state of your desired reality and dating/ getting to know others in this time is great cause it raises your vibe and helps you stay detached.
I am sometimes concerned that me meeting other guys is sending a mixed signal to the universe. But in my mind, it's very clear who my POI is. How do you continue to stay in a state of high vibration on days when the things you're asking don't seem to be manifesting? I realise my mood changes frequently and i often feel I'm on a rollercoaster. I am trying my best not to feel discouraged because I do know it's just a matter of time that I'll get what I want. However the challenge is in dealing with each day as it comes...
Shayne wrote:
What types of things would you visualize him saying if you don't mind my asking?
I would visualize him telling me he misses me, or that he wants to meet me, spend more time with me, or that I'm the most special girl to him, or that I'm his muse and inspiration. Or one of my favourite phrases from Lanie - that he's only thinking of me when he's talking to other girls ;)
He hasn't said any of these to me yet haha but like I said, he's a stubborn man and I guess we haven't quite reached that stage where we can say these things easily to each other! I for one have never told him I miss him or how much I like him! Haha but to me, it's never too early to put these thoughts in his head ;) I don't know, is there anything else I should be doing?
But at one point he stopped sending me photos of himself, and I made him say in my visualization that he would send me some and now he does! So I guess this is a small win? ;)
What is your situation like, Shayne? I would love to read it!
That all sounds good! I may take a few of those for myself lol. I've only gone on 2 dates with this guy. Basically, we both used to work at the same company (different departments) and we'd see each other just about everyday. We'd talk to each other before heading out and it would always be casual conversation. I knew there was mutual attraction between us because he would always flirt subtly but I think because we worked at the same company, he didn't want to start anything (which is understandable). So to make a long story short, in late July, he text me and wanted to hang out so we did! We went to dinner and then a bar afterwards. It was a really cool night which and I enjoyed myself. We then hung out again maybe 2 weeks after that. We met at a cool lounge nearby my place and had a couple of drinks and just talked and laughed throughout the night. We wound up going back to his place. Made out for the first time and he attempted to reach for my pants. I politely moved his hand. I wasn't ready to have sex with him so soon. I want to hang out some more before doing that. So that happened back on August 19th. We're in September and now, nothing but a few "liked" pics on my Facebook . He hasn't initiated contact, but I have with him. He's always cool and funny when we chat so it's not like he's short with me. So basically, i'm trying to get him to do what he was doing before with PW but I want to make sure I'm saying the best things. Nothing mundane. I actually just got done not too long ago and visualized him telling me that he missed me and that he can't seem to get me off of his mind and that he's going to "make me his lady." Stuff like that. So I'm hoping those are good things to visualize. What do you think?
Manifestation Maven wrote:
Its really important to focus on your own vibration and your own life/happiness anyone who is a deliberate practicer of LOA and or RS can tell you that once you start to dissect and analyze the other parties behaviour too much and act from a place of fear based emotions rather than love is when things start to unravel and go left.
Thank you Maven for your advice! You are right in that I do often lapse into overthinking and overanalysing. I'm trying to stop myself from doing this and to adopt an overall zen attitude but it's admittedly a challenge every day. While I feel extremely grateful we are in contact every day, i feel the downside is I get more easily affected by the things he says or does...
Manifestation Maven wrote:
So keep doing what you've been doing but focus on positive emotions and focus on being in the state of your desired reality and dating/ getting to know others in this time is great cause it raises your vibe and helps you stay detached.
I am sometimes concerned that me meeting other guys is sending a mixed signal to the universe. But in my mind, it's very clear who my POI is. How do you continue to stay in a state of high vibration on days when the things you're asking don't seem to be manifesting? I realise my mood changes frequently and i often feel I'm on a rollercoaster. I am trying my best not to feel discouraged because I do know it's just a matter of time that I'll get what I want. However the challenge is in dealing with each day as it comes...
Shayne wrote:
What types of things would you visualize him saying if you don't mind my asking?
I would visualize him telling me he misses me, or that he wants to meet me, spend more time with me, or that I'm the most special girl to him, or that I'm his muse and inspiration. Or one of my favourite phrases from Lanie - that he's only thinking of me when he's talking to other girls ;)
He hasn't said any of these to me yet haha but like I said, he's a stubborn man and I guess we haven't quite reached that stage where we can say these things easily to each other! I for one have never told him I miss him or how much I like him! Haha but to me, it's never too early to put these thoughts in his head ;) I don't know, is there anything else I should be doing?
But at one point he stopped sending me photos of himself, and I made him say in my visualization that he would send me some and now he does! So I guess this is a small win? ;)
What is your situation like, Shayne? I would love to read it!
strawberryking wrote:
Hi everyone!
I've been reading this forum for a while and only made an account recently. It's really inspiring to read some of your posts here - and that actually is one way I use to raise my vibration whenever I feel it starting to dip!
Now I'm hoping you can give me some advice.
A quick intro on my situation. I met my POI in April and have, for some reason, a very strong feeling of attraction towards him. I think we have great chemistry and connection, and we flirt a lot. But his mixed signals have been very confusing over the past few months. This came to a low point in July, when the closest friends i confide in were convinced he'd put me in friendzone. He's a very busy man and each time I asked to meet him he would simply give me a non-answer, even though he continued to reach out and text me every day. I was hurt but refused to believe this could be true because from the beginning I had a strange feeling that we're meant to be together. I truly believe this.
This was the point, about early August, I started to looking seriously into RS and was when I came across Lanie, Amargi, Wendi, etc. I continued to be friendly but started to back off a bit - all the while using RS on him ;) I'd tried PW and was totally floored by how much this works!!! He still hasn't said any of the things I visualised him saying, but there've been more than a few times I'd start PW or MT and he would text me almost right away or the next day. It's almost intoxicating!
At the same time, I actually met a second guy who seemed way more interested in me. Even though I don't feel the same level of attraction towards him, I think his existence was what helped me to feel more detached towards my POI. So I highly recommend all you ladies out there with detachment issues to consider casually seeing other guys to take your mind off your POI!
I mentioned my POI was reluctant to meet me even though he continued texting. Last week, that seemed to have changed. I then found the perfect timing to take inspired action! We had a spontaneous date - it was the first time we were meeting after almost two months and everything went swimmingly well! I just knew he was very attracted to me that night and we spent the most time we'd ever spent together ;)
The next day he told me he wanted to see me again but I was starting to feel vulnerable from some of the things I'd told him the previous night. So I gave him a slightly distant answer that morning, I felt afraid of being overly eager and pushing him away again. I'm still kicking myself over this.
Since then however, I think the vibe between us has reverted once more to a flirty one, I think I've successfully exited friendzone after a few weeks of RS ;)
However, he's still continuing to be hot and cold and hasn't actually made plans when he'd like to see me again...
So here're my questions:
1) Since I've met my POI again, I find my RS attempts have not yielded that kind of instant text response from him again, even though we're still in contact every day. He's a stubborn man, so I do wonder if he's feeling some kind of resistance towards me? How would you recommend I refine my RS/PW/BWD to improve the situation?
2) Even though I've achieved a fair bit of success with RS, I think I'm still quite a noob when it comes to meditation states. I've tried meditating to binaural beats and theta waves on YouTube but the results have been fairly mixed. One problem is, I don't really know whether I've entered alpha state or not. Secondly, when I do enter that dream-like state, I sometimes get distracted easily and lose focus or am unable to control my visualisations. If I try to stay focused, I find it difficult to enter that alpha state. How do I solve this conundrum?
3) He's a fairly religious man - do you think this has any influence on the effectiveness of RS?
Any other comments or tips are welcome!
Your situation sounds similar to mine
strawberryking wrote:
Hi everyone!
I've been reading this forum for a while and only made an account recently. It's really inspiring to read some of your posts here - and that actually is one way I use to raise my vibration whenever I feel it starting to dip!
Now I'm hoping you can give me some advice.
A quick intro on my situation. I met my POI in April and have, for some reason, a very strong feeling of attraction towards him. I think we have great chemistry and connection, and we flirt a lot. But his mixed signals have been very confusing over the past few months. This came to a low point in July, when the closest friends i confide in were convinced he'd put me in friendzone. He's a very busy man and each time I asked to meet him he would simply give me a non-answer, even though he continued to reach out and text me every day. I was hurt but refused to believe this could be true because from the beginning I had a strange feeling that we're meant to be together. I truly believe this.
This was the point, about early August, I started to looking seriously into RS and was when I came across Lanie, Amargi, Wendi, etc. I continued to be friendly but started to back off a bit - all the while using RS on him ;) I'd tried PW and was totally floored by how much this works!!! He still hasn't said any of the things I visualised him saying, but there've been more than a few times I'd start PW or MT and he would text me almost right away or the next day. It's almost intoxicating!
At the same time, I actually met a second guy who seemed way more interested in me. Even though I don't feel the same level of attraction towards him, I think his existence was what helped me to feel more detached towards my POI. So I highly recommend all you ladies out there with detachment issues to consider casually seeing other guys to take your mind off your POI!
I mentioned my POI was reluctant to meet me even though he continued texting. Last week, that seemed to have changed. I then found the perfect timing to take inspired action! We had a spontaneous date - it was the first time we were meeting after almost two months and everything went swimmingly well! I just knew he was very attracted to me that night and we spent the most time we'd ever spent together ;)
The next day he told me he wanted to see me again but I was starting to feel vulnerable from some of the things I'd told him the previous night. So I gave him a slightly distant answer that morning, I felt afraid of being overly eager and pushing him away again. I'm still kicking myself over this.
Since then however, I think the vibe between us has reverted once more to a flirty one, I think I've successfully exited friendzone after a few weeks of RS ;)
However, he's still continuing to be hot and cold and hasn't actually made plans when he'd like to see me again...
So here're my questions:
1) Since I've met my POI again, I find my RS attempts have not yielded that kind of instant text response from him again, even though we're still in contact every day. He's a stubborn man, so I do wonder if he's feeling some kind of resistance towards me? How would you recommend I refine my RS/PW/BWD to improve the situation?
2) Even though I've achieved a fair bit of success with RS, I think I'm still quite a noob when it comes to meditation states. I've tried meditating to binaural beats and theta waves on YouTube but the results have been fairly mixed. One problem is, I don't really know whether I've entered alpha state or not. Secondly, when I do enter that dream-like state, I sometimes get distracted easily and lose focus or am unable to control my visualisations. If I try to stay focused, I find it difficult to enter that alpha state. How do I solve this conundrum?
3) He's a fairly religious man - do you think this has any influence on the effectiveness of RS?
Any other comments or tips are welcome!
What types of things would you visualize him saying if you don't mind my asking?
Its really important to focus on your own vibration and your own life/happiness anyone who is a deliberate practicer of LOA and or RS can tell you that once you start to dissect and analyze the other parties behaviour too much and act from a place of fear based emotions rather than love is when things start to unravel and go left. So keep doing what you've been doing but focus on positive emotions and focus on being in the state of your desired reality and dating/ getting to know others in this time is great cause it raises your vibe and helps you stay detached.
Hi everyone!
I've been reading this forum for a while and only made an account recently. It's really inspiring to read some of your posts here - and that actually is one way I use to raise my vibration whenever I feel it starting to dip!
Now I'm hoping you can give me some advice.
A quick intro on my situation. I met my POI in April and have, for some reason, a very strong feeling of attraction towards him. I think we have great chemistry and connection, and we flirt a lot. But his mixed signals have been very confusing over the past few months. This came to a low point in July, when the closest friends i confide in were convinced he'd put me in friendzone. He's a very busy man and each time I asked to meet him he would simply give me a non-answer, even though he continued to reach out and text me every day. I was hurt but refused to believe this could be true because from the beginning I had a strange feeling that we're meant to be together. I truly believe this.
This was the point, about early August, I started to looking seriously into RS and was when I came across Lanie, Amargi, Wendi, etc. I continued to be friendly but started to back off a bit - all the while using RS on him ;) I'd tried PW and was totally floored by how much this works!!! He still hasn't said any of the things I visualised him saying, but there've been more than a few times I'd start PW or MT and he would text me almost right away or the next day. It's almost intoxicating!
At the same time, I actually met a second guy who seemed way more interested in me. Even though I don't feel the same level of attraction towards him, I think his existence was what helped me to feel more detached towards my POI. So I highly recommend all you ladies out there with detachment issues to consider casually seeing other guys to take your mind off your POI!
I mentioned my POI was reluctant to meet me even though he continued texting. Last week, that seemed to have changed. I then found the perfect timing to take inspired action! We had a spontaneous date - it was the first time we were meeting after almost two months and everything went swimmingly well! I just knew he was very attracted to me that night and we spent the most time we'd ever spent together ;)
The next day he told me he wanted to see me again but I was starting to feel vulnerable from some of the things I'd told him the previous night. So I gave him a slightly distant answer that morning, I felt afraid of being overly eager and pushing him away again. I'm still kicking myself over this.
Since then however, I think the vibe between us has reverted once more to a flirty one, I think I've successfully exited friendzone after a few weeks of RS ;)
However, he's still continuing to be hot and cold and hasn't actually made plans when he'd like to see me again...
So here're my questions:
1) Since I've met my POI again, I find my RS attempts have not yielded that kind of instant text response from him again, even though we're still in contact every day. He's a stubborn man, so I do wonder if he's feeling some kind of resistance towards me? How would you recommend I refine my RS/PW/BWD to improve the situation?
2) Even though I've achieved a fair bit of success with RS, I think I'm still quite a noob when it comes to meditation states. I've tried meditating to binaural beats and theta waves on YouTube but the results have been fairly mixed. One problem is, I don't really know whether I've entered alpha state or not. Secondly, when I do enter that dream-like state, I sometimes get distracted easily and lose focus or am unable to control my visualisations. If I try to stay focused, I find it difficult to enter that alpha state. How do I solve this conundrum?
3) He's a fairly religious man - do you think this has any influence on the effectiveness of RS?
Any other comments or tips are welcome!