I wouldn't start the conversation again, I would use the meditations on him instead :-)
hellokitty wrote:
if a man wants you he will let you know. you reached out to him already, what is stopping you from doing it again?
I don't want to seem annoying or that I can't let it go. I reached out, we had a nice convo, and I said we should get a drink. He said sounds good. I feel like the "ball is in his court" now. Don't you think it's beating a dead horse to ask him again? I mean I mentioned it. Since he ended things, I feel like he should be the one to initiate. He knows I'm interested.
if a man wants you he will let you know. you reached out to him already, what is stopping you from doing it again?
I posted this question elsewhere, and I figured I would post it here too for some responses!
I've recently been in contact with my POI. We were just having a friendly chat/ catching up- I had reached out to him for his birthday. Anyway, I ended the conversation by saying we should meet up for a drink soon. To which he had texted back "sounds good " Well, this was a little over 2 weeks ago. Do you think I should reach back out to him to finalize plans for a drink OR is this something I should try to manifest him initiating contact with? If so, HOW?!
Any advice or comments are welcomed!!!!