RainbowUnicorn, thank you so much for posting this. I've also been using Lanie's techniques on a person who is purely hypothetical. Although I have a clear picture (enough to see his face) of what I want, I have frequently wondered if I was just wasting my effort. The techniques are fun and I'm happy to leave things hypothetical, but it's just so inspiring to see that you actually created something out of what were essentially just thoughts.
I figured I'd share an update here instead of making a new post. I have let go of my desire to manifest back any of my targets (awhile ago now honestly) -- I have really completely fallen for this new person. We are not "official" yet. But I feel like that will happen soon
Maybe this weekend lol.
I haven't done PW on any of my previous targets since meeting this new person. It was as if we had an instant connection and draw to each other.
A month later, we've spent every single weekend together (this will be the 5th weekend together in a row now), even though he might say "not this weekend" by mid week, he misses me too much and wants to see me. We even spent a long 4 day weekend together.
He sends me the cutest ever text messages and is very direct about his feelings for me. He "checks in" on me several times throughout the day just to tell me he's thinking about me.
I've met several of his friends and I'm going to meet his parents in a few weeks - and I've already talked to his mom briefly on the phone lol.
He's also really handsome, physically fit with smiling eyes and full lips and charming and just thrills me on every level possible. physical, emotional, etc.
There's been many signs from the universe too since meeting this person, which make me feel like I'm on the right path. We had matching fortunes in our cookies when we went out for chinese food on one of our first dates together. We have the same first and last initials. Our cats look identical. His birthday is the day before but month after mine, and we're both Gemini's.
Many things I have "scripted" over the last several months have happened exactly like my script, but with this new person instead. Such as meeting his friends and being included and etc. I wrote many scripts about wanting that, saying in my scripts things like "You introduce me to your friends and you know I'm shy so you make an effort to include me in conversation and make me feel at ease" or "You show me off to your friends and family and they all think we are perfect together." etc. All of those things, as well as specific dates I had scripted (mentioned in the first post here) have come to pass. We take cute couple selfies every time we're together, he cooks for me, we go out to specific places I've previously scripted about (many times at his suggestion). We're planning trips together - and several of my scripts were about trips we'd take together, and just really almost every script I ever dreamt of has started to manifest. It is kinda crazy.
I am 100% sure I manifested (or attracted) this person as a result of raising my own vibration and putting my intentions into the universe.
To me this is a success. It's true I wasn't able to manifest the relationships I had once wanted with either of my "targets" But about a month before meeting this person I had changed slightly what I wanted, letting go (as best as I could) of the specific people, and instead realizing they lacked certain qualities I wanted / needed in a relationship, I instead began trying to manifest things with a new (at the time hypothetical) person who had all of the qualities I liked about both targets, but also had the qualities that both targets lacked such as increased communication, spending more time together, being included in their social/family circles, and so on. I realized right away that this person has all of those qualities.
I feel so blessed and happy!! I do feel a little bit silly for ever wasting time wanting to chase after people who didn't respect me enough to want to give me 100%. Having met someone now who gives more than 100% to me every day, is such an awesome feeling.
I think though that these techniques do work. I won't be using PW anymore myself, but I think that combining this with the Abraham exercises from the book "Ask and it is Given" (which I continue to utilize their techniques) are what led me to find this new person. It allowed me to raise my own vibration from one of depression back in June to one of Positivity and Expectancy. Within a month or two I was able to use both of these books to improve my mood and self esteem and draw to me the exact relationship I wanted. Just waiting to be "official" though we both know it's going to happen soon lol.
Once you get your vibrations up and start FEELING BETTER, it's surprising how quickly you start to manifest things.
Good luck to everyone. I hope you manifest exactly what you want - whether that's your ex or someone even better <3.
Wow, this is excellent! I can feel your high vibes girl! Keep it up! Thank you for sharing your inspiring story!
I have been having a "Manifest-full" week...
Sunday night as I lied in bed, I did a very long (to me lol 20-30 minutes maybe) PW session on one of my POI, I did it quite differently than I usually do, as I spoke everything aloud instead of just visualizing it. And a lot of what I spoke was me talking to him, instead of him talking to me.
Somewhere along the way, I suddenly remembered that I had not set my alarm. I got up to go to my phone plugged in on a table across the room, and I saw this particular POI had commented on a social media post, in it, he complimented me and spoke kindly to me. It wasn't like I was that surprised, because obviously I know we're attracted to each other and everything, but since he'd been more distant the past few months I was surprised he'd put a comment like that out publicly.
I was pretty excited because this happened while I was doing PW. In that same 20-30 minute window. I felt so good, I truly believed I manifested him to do that, and I went to bed on a super super high. I had a very large project at work (still ongoing) and that one tiny comment, 3 or 4 sentences, just made my whole day, whole week even.
I did a focus wheel on monday about all the wonderful things I was grateful for in this POI, I looked at the focus wheel and kept it around with me all day, I put it on a sticky note where I could stick it everywhere and keep focusing on the positives. There were other things he had said/hinted at the days before that also had me feeling pretty darn good. One special thing in particular. A plan for something we were going to do next time we hang out.
I took that idea of that plan we made together, and elaborated on it, began using that in my scripting. The plan basically involves going to a specific restaurant, and a certain specific thing, and in my script I write about how we would take dozens of selfies together and laugh and have fun doing this thing and going to that specific restaurant.
So about 2 or 3 weeks ago I "met" someone new, and we're going to meet in person this weekend. Mmm It was maybe Monday or Tuesday or so, shortly after I did the focus wheel and wrote that script about my POI, and while I'm feeling all positive and loving and on an emotional high, and I'm talking to this new guy on the phone, and he mentions he's going to this same specific restaurant the next day. I'm like oh we have that restaurant here too, and so the plan was that we would eat there at the one near him when we meet up this weekend. I didn't think too much about this, other than I do like that restaurant lol.
Then last night, again talking to the new guy on the phone; and he just OUT OF THE BLUE randomly says we should take lots of pictures together; and that we should take a picture of everywhere we go on our date together.
EXACTLY LIKE MY SCRIPT!! Except a different person!! I've never had a guy want to take like "couple selfies" on a first date. lol. I kinda "guilted" or more like my family kinda "guilted" one of my POI to do it on a date (I think it was our 2nd or 3rd date tho) lol. When we left the house she just said "Take lots of pictures" -- But I've never had a dude just suggest it before.
He's also doing a lot of what I want my POI to (resume) do(ing). Like texting me every day. He told me last night he thinks about me when he's at work - and other things that once again I've been trying to get my POI to do/say lol.
I am a little bit excited honestly about my date with the new guy this weekend. I've been on other dates after my POI, but I haven't felt excited nor physical attraction, or chemistry, nor ease/comfort, etc until now.
I do listen to abraham hicks, and recently listened to the "Fred" segment, and Abraham tells the hotseat guest "Wrong Doorbell" when she talks about her "Fred" (a person she can't let go of). I feel slightly the same, like I don't really want to give up on either of my POI, and they're both still in my life as friends right now, but maybe universe has someone even better for me romantically, who knows... We are supposed to trust that God / Universe knows exactly what we want and that they are leading us to that "essence".
I am just kinda floored that I'm seeing my script and visualization unfold almost EXACTLY like I created it to be. It would have had some different meaning and connotation with the other POI, but still, it's like totally happening, just the way I thought it would. And that is pretty amazing lol.
I think the catalyst was my emotional high from that silly comment early in the week, and all the focusing and visualization and PW and scripting which helped me to fully enjoy and carry that emotion with me all week.
Abraham talks about how you have to align with source energy for manifestation to happen, and that you are in alignment when you feel joyous. So based on what I've seen unfolding this week, I think they are on to something there.
Will be interesting to see what happens Sunday with this new person