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    10/27/2017 6:31 pm

    Thanks for sharing! You never know what the future holds but in the meantime I would move forward, work on myself and get your vibration as high as possible so you can attract wonderful things!  :-)

    10/25/2017 11:19 pm

    This is more of a rant/frustration on my behalf, and a reminder to myself for the future.

    This was kind of a semi-success story, but things again flipped. Around this time last year, my POI was telling me he loved me, wanted to be with me, but things changed and he got into a relationship 2 month later, I must admit I felt extremely led on by him, after that I cut him off. I was extremely hurt, although I should hate him for how things went down, I loved him and still do. The relationship with him and his ex lasted a whopping 3 months, y’all. I knew it wouldn’t last, it was one of those gut feelings. We went 8 months without speaking to one another, but he would occasionally text me throughout those months from, “I miss talking to you”, “Thank you for the support throughout the years, it meant a lot.”, eventually July came around, we began to speak to each other. Things were going ok, I felt, but the same things started to happen all over. Not to mention I was getting mixed signals, what struck me as the worst thing he could say, was he only referred to our relationship, as a “friendship.” I don’t want just a friendship with him. It was interesting he wants to be friends, but wants to do a marriage pact when he turns 30-35 age we should get married.

    When doing PW in those past 8 months and even now my reality is us being together in a relationship, being happy, being in love.

    He changed how the relationship was, when he told me he loved the first time, I can’t just go back to being just friends with him. For me once you change the how everything is in a relationship, be it friendship or dating there is no going back to that.

    After being confused of what his intentions are, and seeing that he’s texting other people aka other women. I decided to end our “friendship”. He said that’s unfortunate and that he would be here when I decide to come back I told him I don’t think I’m coming back. He also said that it was a sad day, that hopefully there’s a next time, that hopefully our paths cross again, and if not he hopes I have a good life.

    In the meantime, I’m not sure if I’m going to continue to use PW on him anymore. I’m not sure if there will be a next time with him and myself. One thing I did learn it was either on this site or elsewhere, was that I should’ve taken more time to be honest, I jumped in too soon. I think someone expressed it as picking the fruit too early? That’s what it feels like in all honesty. If there is a next time I know that things will be different.

    I'll say this PW 100% works, I cannot deny that. It did get me what I want, but there are obviously some things I need to change about myself still, and that's not a bad thing it's a good thing. 

    Thanks for reading.

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