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    1/25/2018 4:35 pm

    Missy wrote:

    I'm experiencing headaches after I do PW visualisation where I focus my energy on third eye area. However, when I do normal visualisation or remote seduction I don't have headaches.
    Is it normal?

    Has anyone else experienced that?

    Your third eye is your picture box in your head you don’t have to focus hard on that but what you need to do is focus on your imaginal act with feeling and emotion and that’s all you have to do don’t strain because you’re taking energy and focus of what you are trying to bring into your experience! Do exactly what you do in your normal visualization 💞

    1/18/2018 2:29 pm

    I'm experiencing headaches after I do PW visualisation where I focus my energy on third eye area. However, when I do normal visualisation or remote seduction I don't have headaches.
    Is it normal?

    Has anyone else experienced that?

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