Thank you so much both of you. I was ready to give up. I was sad because I wondered if I'm doing something wrong. I found out I still need to work on being more detached and positive I can do this. I will try my best to let go and make this work out.
Hello sister, I am so sad that you think this way. LOA works when you let it go which means you enjoy living in the moment and stopped questioning about why it is not working. Universe has already accepted our wishes so do not worry it will not happen. But it will only happen when you have a high vibration and that it is the time when you focus on yourself more - going to gym to work on your body, read more book to absorb more knowledge. Everything will be presented as the way you want when you are the best version of yourself. I split up with my POI 7 months before and I was like you before, worrying about it. But then I started to focus on myself and things started to change. Even though we are still not together yet, but I love myself more and care more about myself and universe has showed some result for me already. So don't give up sister!
Don't give up. Things will happen when you least expect them to. I promise.Just start focusing on yourself. Love yourself more than you would like someone else to.
The key point of any manifestation is that you feeling the happiness and fulfilment of having that "thing" or "relationship" already.
Do not fret about him NOT contacting you as it will only create that. What you think is what you create.
I'll suggest you to go through agnes vivarelli's videos on YouTube. Things will become clear to you and the success stories will help in boosting your confidence.
He will come back to you.
I had written a few details about my story in another thread but to sum up I dated my POI but after breaking up he pretty much told me he never felt anything for me since it was more of a casual relationship to him. We are in the same workplace but we meet once in a while. I have been using PW and BWD although lately I use more PW due to being bust with work. Everything was going great, we were talking with each other about work and it felt like something was going to happen. There were a few times lately that we came really close and I thought that the time we would get back together was here. Instead he did nothing to persuade me. Other times he is very nice to me other times very guarded. He has confused me. We talked 1 month ago and since then I haven't tried to contact him and won't.I expect from him to do it cause I have shown him clearly that I want him back. I can't understand what is going wrong and we are not together yet. It seemed like we would start dating. He was very interested in my life and me. I'm feeling like giving up and that's not what I want but I feel like this is going nowhere if he doesn't putting more effort into it. What should I do? Do I give up or is there something I can change in the way I use the techniques?
Any help is welcome as I feel devastated. I expected much better result and I don't understand how did this hasn't happened yet. Thank you