HAHAHA!! I know the feelings, my guy must have fallen over trying to pull up his skinny jeans! Either that or he's busy doing his hair hahaha
hermeshorse wrote:
Glad you took that the right way.
Only way I could describe him - you know the think where the bird runs and then stops dead still but does a boing, it's almost that! He's almost fallen up some stairs, smashed his hand on a rail, and fallen over a chair getting to me - I really must make my visualisations with a lot less obstacles for the poor chap.
The weird thing is that this bit doesn't seem to be guided by me at all - him? I don't know. He is lovely and I want him.
Yep so it means exchanging one lot of dirty undies for another and one workaholic for another but hey... this is the one I'm supposed to be with.
Hahaha! I love your sense of humor!! One is just for fun (and practice) and the other I'm working on manifesting a committed relationship with wishing you the best of luck! x
hermeshorse wrote:
Ooooh two chappies, you little strumpet! I love your style! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... Wow! Excellent, excellent stuff!
I only want one, he's like the road runner when I call him (yawning so much as well) and he won't leave the session - not met him yet so no idea there... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Last night I did my usual PW/BWD session on POI A and a session on POI B (after taking a break) Just for a recap;
I've had feelings for A for almost 2 years and have been using PW/BWD for almost the same amount of time, with some results, he's a lot more friendly/flirty (then when I first met him) yet at times showing a lot of resistance and being distant. Most recently I decided to do RRS for 30 days straight (today was day 22) last time I saw him was after day 3 and had obvious signs its definitely working, he went out of his way to avoid/ignore me, even when I was standing next to him.
I met B September last year at his bands gig, did a few sessions for 2 or so weeks afterwards, in January I met him again at a show I flew to another state to go see, when I told him where I flew from he looked like he was trying to recognize/remember me, he put way to much effort into signing my shirt, and when he gave me a hug it lasted longer then a normal hug would.
I did my session with B first, as soon as i had connected with him (I always yawn) the first thing he said was 'its been a while, I've missed you' I've found out through my sessions with B that Im a more auditory person, I could hear him speaking (and panting) as if he was right next to me. I asked if his band was playing in my city next tour and he said yes. There was a lot of dirty talk and it was like a hot-n-heavy one night stand.
My session with A was different. He too said that he missed me and yet his voice was very gentle and soft, he made a joke that he wanted to 'take me round the back of the building' at his bands next show. I don't hear A's voice as clear as B's but I definitely feel the emotional connection between us during it, making the session more passionate and intimate. It was definitely one of the most romantic sessions and I'm very excited and curious as to how he will be at his bands next gig next week!
Overall I think its amazing how the same thing can effect two people in different ways. Working with multiple 'targets' at the same time helps me detach from the outcome a lot easier, makes it more fun and I feel lighter telling myself 'if I don't have one, at least I'll have the other'