Well I'm on the same page as you. keep going! don't stop.
Second update: he blocked me on Instagram? He had not done that at all, not even in the month we’ve been apart. I hadn’t checked my feed all day and his post featuring his mom on her birthday was the first post to come up (as he is was one of the most frequent engaged contacts on the app since we were together so his posts are always top) and I liked the picture and I came back to see he blocked me?
I have read that being blocked isn’t necessarily a bad thing but I panicked and almost went into “none of what I’m doing is working fuck this” mode but stopped myself. I also read in terms of LOA that things seem to get worse before your manifestation comes true? Anyone have answers?
Update: saw him tonight for the first time since the incident. Again, we work out of the same company so it was eventually inevitable. I made sure I looked really good and happy! Haha. He looked at me when I first arrived and seemed to get nervous and walked away. I crossed his path a few times and felt eyes on me. There’s no way when he left he wasn’t thinking about me! Also, side note: it was his mother’s birthday today. His mother and I were really close and I decided it wouldn’t be fair to ignore her when all she ever did was made sure I had the best birthdays so I messaged her and she was excited to hear from me which I think is really good. My target is a huge momma’s boy and loves her more than anything so to be in her good graces is a good sign!
Hi everyone! So glad to be here. Been practicing Lanie’s PW technique for weeks and been following LOA and my mindset and feelings have completely changed since the beginning of my situation.
My ex and I were together for over two years. Very much in love. A few bumps along the way but nothing we didn’t overcome. However, on March 8th, I had suffered a bad blackout due to my PTSD. Now keep in mind with the severity of my PTSD (I’ve only had a blackout as severe as this once or twice before after coming to face repressed memories in recent years) I don’t remember anything. It is not a solid memory to me, as if it never happened so I woke up the morning after COMPLETELY unaware until my family had to explain it to me. In this blackout, I drank. And I got behind the wheel of a vehicle my boyfriend owned. Cop friend caught me and had to call my boyfriend because the car was in his name.
Boyfriend broke up with me ON THE SPOT. Then solidified the break up through text the next day. I was a WRECK. On top of having to shoulder the fact I suffered a blackout from PTSD and recollecting absolutely nothing, I had to shoulder a break up (however much of a shitty move it was to do over text). I haven’t seen him since the day after the incident when I caught him outside my house removing the plates from the car.
For the first few weeks I was definitely in a bad mindset. I didn’t know how I was going to revive our relationship and if it was dead for good, with shame and guilt. I hated myself. The ONLY contact we had in this last month was a weak moment a couple weeks later when I had a moment of weakness and texted him and he texted me back before work. Oh, I should also mention he unfollowed me on all social media (not blocked, just unfollowed).
And then, as if it was meant to be, and believe me it really saved me, the LOA and spells introduced themselves into my life. I began reading religiously every night, I’ve had spells done (some that are just recently being done due to moon phases, never underestimate the power of the moon!) and I was lucky to stumble upon Lanie’s PW book.
I began practicing her technique and following rules to LOA and my mindset completely changed. It was no longer “I’ll never get him back” or “how will I” it has changed into “him and I are together, he will be back, he’s on his way, he’s open minded and misses me”. I read on this forum to keep a journal and I’ve wrote every day that his phone call, text, whatever is on it’s way.
I’ve had some readings done as well that say by the end of this month there will be openness on his end and that we will reunite, it will just take time.
The day after my first spell was cast I picked up my phone and had accidentally punched in the number (without seeing) 333 in my calculator. I read the angels number board and saw this means your wishes have been heard and are to manifest as long as you stay positive. Another reoccurring number in my life is 2222 (I have my phone on military time and my eyes always seem to land on the time when it’s in this sequence consistently) which means to keep positive affirmations and mindset to manifest.
Tonight, after meditating, I opened Twitter and did a lazy scroll and my thumb landed on a tweet that said “he’ll come”. That’s all it read. “He’ll come”. I suddenly felt overwhelmed and excited. I know he’s on his way.
He watches my siblings stories on Instagram often and one of my siblings regularly makes sure to show pictures of me looking happy and having fun (which I genuinely am! I’ve made it a strong point to go out with friends, my siblings, watch my favorite movies, read, etc and not just nope around /waiting/ for something to happen). He actually religiously watches my sisters stories and she believes it’s because he’s looking for traces of me.
Even family and friends who weren’t sure we would reunite now are suddenly believers we will end up together. I don’t know if that’s just my positivity rubbing off on them or what. Only two friends of mine were convinced at the beginning we’d be together again but now everyone is, haha!
Tomorrow night may be the first night I have to face him since March. We are both emergency responders out of the same company and I had taken a long leave after the incident but I’ve made my way back. Last week he wasn’t there when I came back but tomorrow there’s a good chance he will be there and we will be in each other’s presence. I’ve been told as long as I keep an upbeat and positive attitude, remember to laugh and still have fun with the other members because they love me and I love them as family, this will be impactful. Lanie has told me this herself as well!
I truly believe we belong together and he’s being stubborn and prideful but I have been telling myself “he’s open minded and will approach you” rather than worrying he’s being hard headed. In the past any time he’s /almost/ lost me he has cried and begged for me back. I know he loves me.
Just wondering what you guys think and if I’m on the right track. He’s the only one I want to be with and I’m positive and confident that everything is working.
And if you have any further tips or advice, please share! I know this is a very unique situation which is why I decided to finally bring it to this board. ❤️ Thank you in advance, so much love for this board, the techniques, and LOA.