Jennyfers24 wrote:
Here’s my story…
I as dating a guy who absolutely adored me. We talked about marriage. Went shopping for rings. He treated me like a princess. Always made sure I smiled. I wasn’t mentally there because I just cane out of an awful marriage and I had walls up. I was cheated on and so was he so we both knew we would never do that to each other. We disagreed on things & I felt smothered at first. He told me I went out too much. Hated when I would text my friends. I would always get defensive. But we had such an amazing connection. We laughed SO MUCH!! But he would ALWAYS make sure I was happy! He bent over backwards for me. We had the cutest relationship. He always said “you will be stuck with me forever because I’m not going anywhere “. Then we had a big hurdle to overcome, I was given an opportunity to move to a diff state. It was my dream. He was DEVASTATED. Sobbed!! But told me he would follow. After I left he started applying for jobs where I was living. Then he started to get weird. Long story short, he pulled away n got distant out of no where. The person I was staying with told him I didn’t love his daughter! Idk why she said that but obviously he wouldn’t speak to me! Did a complete 360 like someone I didn’t know. I came back for him. Dropped everything. Was only prob gone a total of 4 weeks. I fought for him. He said I was crazy. And now it’s to the point he acts like he doesn’t know who I am. When I see him, he looks at me and will not speak to me.
I’m so completely heartbroken. I have so much guilt and regret for leaving even tho he said he was coming. It’s been 10-11 months now but nothing has changed! I’ve had him on a pedestal for so long. I know I need to let go but idk how. I feel if I truly let go it’s telling the universe “ok...I don’t care anymore. Take him on another journey!” Every few months I would try to reach out but nothing. The only thing that gave me hope was the fact that he still has all my family and friends on his Facebook!! He still reaches out to my brother via text for random things every so often!
Over Fathers Day weekend he texted my brother to say hi. He also said how much he misses everyone including me!! I became so happppppyyy!! My gf tried reaching out and he’s told her he’s with someone?? But his stories don’t match up. He’s all over the place. I’m crushed!!!! I don’t want to give up bc I love him so very much...still!!! I’ve asked the Universe for signs n it always delivers but nothing ever comes to!
However, the other day I was feeling awful. Cried n cried and asked for a sign that he does miss n love me as much as I do him and that we will be reunited in a loving committed relationship. A few hours later I ran into his mom and daughter while I was shopping!!
I feel like this is so hopeless! I’ve tried all the techniques. Agnes videos! But I go by his actions. If he truly missed me he would reach out. I’m still blocked on fb n his phone 😞 Also he’s told me he doesn’t love me anymore. There is no shot...ever for us! I can’t see how this would change if he’s not feeling the same. PLEASE HELP!!
Your gf is lying to sabotage what you have. Forgive her and tell him you will see him again someday, because you have saboteurs to sort out.
I have a question. Since I'm not a believer in " someone's better ", so what makes him come back after going distant? Plus he said he has changed in his heart. Does LOA help in that?
Jennyfers24 wrote:
I do understand all that. My question is, if he truly feels that he wants NO PARTS of us again, loves someone else or on a different path, how can it be changed? Especially if he has A LOT of resentment?
YOU have to change YOU because it's your beliefs that are causing him to feel that way. You have to meditate. Lots of revision and visualization, living in the end.
You do what I wrote in my earlier post. The obsession/desperation should be dealt with first, though.
I do understand all that. My question is, if he truly feels that he wants NO PARTS of us again, loves someone else or on a different path, how can it be changed? Especially if he has A LOT of resentment?
The first problem here is that you still want him - meaning that you live in a constant state of lack. Techniques won't work if they are coming from a state of desperation and lack of belief. You can visualize all day long, but if it doesn't impress the belief, you will go right back to your old ways and no progress will be made.
Next, everyone is you pushed out, so he is acting this way because you hold those beliefs of him. Those, of course must be changed to what you desire them to be.
People don't realize how much control the have and anything can be changed - any situation can be reversed, but you must first go within and change your beliefs. It's hard work, but anyone can do it if they are persistent.
You must change your inner conversations first, because they do out-picture into your physical world. This is probably the most important thing you can do. If you are holding conversations internally where you arw arguing with your guy, or someone else about how he treats you, that's what you will get. I do understand that this is a lot of work to control and maintain, but it is necessary since he is you.
Also, you have to stop paying attention to what you see on the outside - it's not real; think of it as a screen where all you beliefs are played out. You are the projector and it out-pictures everything regardless of whether it is good or bad. If you get a bad thought, ask yourself if you want that to show up on the outside. Perhaps that will change your perspective a bit.
A lot of people speak of self love, and while I do believe that is important in general, there are people who didn't do any self love work and got their person back. They belived they already had it, and remained in that state. Everything is belief, period.
ALL is possible. Everything, but you have to do the proper work. So start with monitoring your thoughts and self talk.
Here’s my story…
I as dating a guy who absolutely adored me. We talked about marriage. Went shopping for rings. He treated me like a princess. Always made sure I smiled. I wasn’t mentally there because I just cane out of an awful marriage and I had walls up. I was cheated on and so was he so we both knew we would never do that to each other. We disagreed on things & I felt smothered at first. He told me I went out too much. Hated when I would text my friends. I would always get defensive. But we had such an amazing connection. We laughed SO MUCH!! But he would ALWAYS make sure I was happy! He bent over backwards for me. We had the cutest relationship. He always said “you will be stuck with me forever because I’m not going anywhere “. Then we had a big hurdle to overcome, I was given an opportunity to move to a diff state. It was my dream. He was DEVASTATED. Sobbed!! But told me he would follow. After I left he started applying for jobs where I was living. Then he started to get weird. Long story short, he pulled away n got distant out of no where. The person I was staying with told him I didn’t love his daughter! Idk why she said that but obviously he wouldn’t speak to me! Did a complete 360 like someone I didn’t know. I came back for him. Dropped everything. Was only prob gone a total of 4 weeks. I fought for him. He said I was crazy. And now it’s to the point he acts like he doesn’t know who I am. When I see him, he looks at me and will not speak to me.
I’m so completely heartbroken. I have so much guilt and regret for leaving even tho he said he was coming. It’s been 10-11 months now but nothing has changed! I’ve had him on a pedestal for so long. I know I need to let go but idk how. I feel if I truly let go it’s telling the universe “ok...I don’t care anymore. Take him on another journey!” Every few months I would try to reach out but nothing. The only thing that gave me hope was the fact that he still has all my family and friends on his Facebook!! He still reaches out to my brother via text for random things every so often!
Over Fathers Day weekend he texted my brother to say hi. He also said how much he misses everyone including me!! I became so happppppyyy!! My gf tried reaching out and he’s told her he’s with someone?? But his stories don’t match up. He’s all over the place. I’m crushed!!!! I don’t want to give up bc I love him so very much...still!!! I’ve asked the Universe for signs n it always delivers but nothing ever comes to!
However, the other day I was feeling awful. Cried n cried and asked for a sign that he does miss n love me as much as I do him and that we will be reunited in a loving committed relationship. A few hours later I ran into his mom and daughter while I was shopping!!
I feel like this is so hopeless! I’ve tried all the techniques. Agnes videos! But I go by his actions. If he truly missed me he would reach out. I’m still blocked on fb n his phone 😞 Also he’s told me he doesn’t love me anymore. There is no shot...ever for us! I can’t see how this would change if he’s not feeling the same. PLEASE HELP!!