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    Topic review (newest first):

    7/09/2018 11:34 am

    It would be nice if there was more activity on here, I’m registered on another forum but I find that one can be a bit negative at times and also quite harsh in the way they respond to people, so I much prefer this one. Everyone doing LOA needs encouraging/ positivity and not negativity.

    I don’t know how we can get more activity on here??!!

    7/07/2018 10:39 pm

    Why is it so dry on here?? Where's everybody?

    5/28/2018 11:39 am

    So....I got a brief text.  Not sure how positive it was because I can't tell about texts.  Then nothing for the rest of the weekend.  But I had two times in which I was otherwise engaged that I felt overwhelming he was doing it to me  It feels so good to feel connected.  I am wondering though, if its me or him.  

    Still a great feeling.  I'll take it.

    As I read the posts here I feel a sense of desperation from these ladies instead of the confidence Lanie writes about.  I can feel in their posts and I can feel it in mine.  I am grateful to have discovered it so I can let it go.  Before I started this technique I didn't feel the desperation since the break up.  Now its back....gotta get my mojo back.

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