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  •  » Manifest ex back meditation... huh?!
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    Topic review (newest first):

    1/04/2019 9:29 pm

    Use both affirmations & subliminals. Keep it consistent with the music. Meditation is picking up on something calm & comforting. Just like any other music that puts you in a trance of  medication to take you away from reality; feeling of love or what ever mood you are in, bounce feel it.... Love & Soul is in the music. Keeping the music in you mind & soul. No matter what time frame it is. It'll stays with you. Concentrate & not on the outside world (reality of any situation) Affirmations/Subliminational (s)

    12/21/2018 4:59 am

    Both subliminal and affirmations will help you, for subliminals the calming music helps you focus while you say the affirmations. the result would be a calm and collected self.  

    11/19/2018 7:23 am

    Did the site indicate it as "affirmations" or "subliminals" ?

    Coz I'm pretty sure affirmations are phrases you should repeatedly enunciate, while subliminals are only made with calming background music.

    2/24/2018 11:15 am

    I've purchased it too thinking the same as you, so i'm also lost with how it works?!
    It is very calming and nice music though  

    2/13/2018 6:39 am

    Hey ladies. I purchased manifest ex meditation along with the manifest love bundle. The ex back meditation I thought had affirmations... but its just a musical piece. Am I supposed to read the affirmations on the website? In the description it read “affirmations repeated during meditation” I assumed theu would be playing over and over... but its just 30 mins of music. Beautiful music... but still.
    Now Im wondering if the whole point of “sunlimina” means I cant hear the affirmations?!
    I just want to make sure Im doing the right thing. Do Injust listen to the meditation? Do I read the affirmations? Am I supposed to hear the affirmations?!
    Not really new to the idea if loa but defs beginner... and not familiar with subliminal meditations.
    Looking forward to this adventure and posting my success story SOON!’n

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