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  •  » I just purchased “ Pussy whip for women ‘s eyes only”
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    6/04/2019 8:09 pm

    Hi Karen16 and welcome!  Things don't usually get confirmed after doing it one day.  :-)  I was lucky with John (in the book) but you should expect it to be a process.  xoxoxoxo

    6/04/2019 5:53 pm

    I did the P.W meditation and it took me more than 1-2 months!i did it once a day for 6 days a week

    6/04/2019 7:53 am

    I just purchased “Pussy Whip” and I read it and last night i did the “Secret Technique” I am not sure if I did it correctly. I went step by step and did all Lanie wrote in the book.  How many times should I do the technique?

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