lalalovely wrote:
bump, this is just empowering for everyone
Thank you, honey💜 This will forever be one of my favorite posts
bump, this is just empowering for everyone
pixelpie wrote:
There go the positivity bump chica.
Good call, even I needed to read this today. 👌🏾
Funny you are bumping Cottons threads, I have been re reading her posts over the last day or so. Love them. I'm burning my darling man up with PW's and BWD and he is responding very well .
Do the work!
"Identified a misalignment"
Absolutely perfect; thank you Oasiscalm.
lildreamer wrote:
Ok, so let me see if I have grokked the general direction you're going with this:
If I am working with an ex, and there's been some bad history there; and I keep remembering this 'story' of him and his behavior and how he treated me and what he said; etc. and so forth; then that is the belief of him I am operating from - and it's detrimental to what I'm trying to create/envision in a PW session. Per other discussions here; if I believe him to be such things as stubborn or angry or selfish (see Lanie's story for a good example, right?) or a cheater, then that's what I'm going to get at some point from him no matter what - since that is how I still perceive him to be at a fundamental level. I need to hold myself responsible for adhering to that story(belief) about him - not *blame* and shaming myself; but recognize that it's a belief I created and that it *can*, therefore, be altered. (Side note: I beleive between the two options of 1) needing to be there {in that situation} and 2) wanting to be there, that I was/am there to learn a lesson of boundaries and owning personal power).
So, activated by the Neville quote, would it be a good idea to not only imagine him different; but to script it so? Write down how I would mentally talk to him if he were the man that I want him to be? (Kind; supportive; romantic; attentive; loving, monogamous, etc).
Am I right that this is the direction you are going? If so, ideas to flesh this out more are what I'm looking for, certainly. Also, there's a thread over at the powerlawofattraction board that sort of /kind of touches on an aspect of this. I don't know if I'm allowed to link to them, or if maybe I should just quote it. Let me know.
Look at it as your been given a fresh start, an opportunity to create the ideal version of him.
All the past misdoings are no longer a factor in your story. The only purpose they can now serve you is to show you what you don't want and to show you the contrast between wanted and unwanted. When you continually focus on the unwanted you will be in a endless cycle of finding evidence to support your belief and events happening to reflect your beliefs.
Think of all his best traits and script, visualise whatever takes your fancy, but that's the version of him you need to maintain focus on.
There's no blaming or shaming to even consider. You identified a misalignment and now you are proactively making amends to bring about a better outcome. That's called empowerment. You are doing the right process keep at them and maintain focus on that. 👌
Ok, so let me see if I have grokked the general direction you're going with this:
If I am working with an ex, and there's been some bad history there; and I keep remembering this 'story' of him and his behavior and how he treated me and what he said; etc. and so forth; then that is the belief of him I am operating from - and it's detrimental to what I'm trying to create/envision in a PW session. Per other discussions here; if I believe him to be such things as stubborn or angry or selfish (see Lanie's story for a good example, right?) or a cheater, then that's what I'm going to get at some point from him no matter what - since that is how I still perceive him to be at a fundamental level. I need to hold myself responsible for adhering to that story(belief) about him - not *blame* and shaming myself; but recognize that it's a belief I created and that it *can*, therefore, be altered. (Side note: I beleive between the two options of 1) needing to be there {in that situation} and 2) wanting to be there, that I was/am there to learn a lesson of boundaries and owning personal power).
So, activated by the Neville quote, would it be a good idea to not only imagine him different; but to script it so? Write down how I would mentally talk to him if he were the man that I want him to be? (Kind; supportive; romantic; attentive; loving, monogamous, etc).
Am I right that this is the direction you are going? If so, ideas to flesh this out more are what I'm looking for, certainly. Also, there's a thread over at the powerlawofattraction board that sort of /kind of touches on an aspect of this. I don't know if I'm allowed to link to them, or if maybe I should just quote it. Let me know.
Cotton wrote:
Oasiscalm wrote:
There are two truths I've learnt in life and that's where you are currently standing is because
(1) you need to be there or (2) you want to be there (consciously or subconsciously).
The key to easy flow is to work out which it is and move your vibration to keep life flowing onto what you want.
For me personally it was that i wanted to be there. I wanted to pity myself because thats who i was poor little meee nobody loves meee life isnt fair to me its HIS fault etc.
And it was a brutal process for me to accept that and then change it. But its amazing now 😍
Going out for a walk now will post back later! Who is on board???????? Lets do this!!!
Words!!! Love it Cotton, thanks for sharing with all of us. Yes, we need to move forward and can't wait to read more of your stories
Thanks Cotton! Count me on board too
Thank you Cotton
Your posts are so encouraging
I agree that others stories are comforting and give hope. We are sisters from different corners of the globe and life and yet we can manifest so much good for our lives
The hope I feel is seeing how different every story is. Stop telling the old story!
Blessings and love to you and all the sisters reading this thread
LovelyMe wrote:
Hi Cotton,
Just wanted to say that I've been following both of your threads and have found them very inspiring.
I have been really up and down about this whole attracting your ex/attracting a specific person thing.
Sometimes I feel totally empowered, and other times I feel it's toxic to cling to this kind of hope. BUT - for a long time, until this past October, I had very split energy on this subject. Not only were my own desires going back and forth, but I have come across so many spiritual teachers that have flat out said you can't attract a specific person, it's against their free will, or...even if you do and you can, it won't really be what you want. In other words, the saying that is beaten into almost every person on this earth's brains - be careful what you wish for.
Needless to say, it's stirred a lot of doubt. Even though I believe that you can attract someone, even in the LOA community, we've been told so, so much that you can't.
But with posts like yours, and Lanie sharing her awesome story about manifesting her ex back (which I barely read the other day - I had been trying to avoid that section), it is so helpful and so inspiring...and more importantly, it's comforting and gives people hope.
I ave been doing that a lot too & he is engaged to someone else.
Now, I am going to focus on me & figure out what I really want. I am completely healed from my fall & ready to start my marathon training so that will put me in a good frame of mind.
Thank you Cotton for the wise words.
I love this quote! Thank you so much for sharing! And I am definitely on board as well!
Awesome! I am excited for all of you and for my own journey ahead aswel
Im sorry i am unable to write a detailed post right now (perhaps later tonight) as i am busy but i want to leave you all with a quote from Neville (my main source of inspiration) to simmer in your heart and minds. Please meditate on this....sit down and think and reflect on this quote and let the feeling permeate your soul.
"Your beliefs, your fixed attitudes of mind, constantly modify consciousness as it is reflected on the mirror of your mind. Your consciousness, modified by your beliefs, objectifies itself in the conditions of your world. To change the world, you must first change your conception of it. To change a man, you must change your conception of him. You must believe him to be the man you want him to be and mentally talk to him as though he were. All men are sufficiently sensitive tive to reproduce your beliefs of them. Therefore, if your word is not reproduced visibly in him toward whom it is sent, the cause is to be found in you, not in the subject. As soon as you believe in the truth of the state affirmed, results follow. Everyone can be transformed; every thought can he transmitted; ted; every thought can be visibly embodied."