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    1/17/2018 10:38 pm

    I love this story! Thanks a lot! :D

    1/12/2017 3:27 pm

    Jim Chien Beige wrote:

    It's official. He's now my boyfriend again. It happened in just one week. He's sleeping in my bed as I write this. I am so happy that I can't sleep.
    4 months of hard work finally paid off. And it's true girls. You have to think about your end result, always. You have to feel good most of the day and regain your strength.
    I know we have to solve many things, mostly our way to communicate, but now I have tools. Now I know that my thoughts create my reality, good or bad.
    Thank you girls for your support and thank you Lanie!
    I love you girls.


    10/01/2016 10:49 pm

    Congratulations!!! So happy to hear that you're back together with your partner. Well done!!!

    10/01/2016 10:20 pm

    Congratulations Jim - I'm so excited for you!!!

    9/30/2016 1:13 am

    Jim Chien Beige wrote:

    MadMoiselle87 wrote:

    Omg how awesome is that! Congratulations girl! Which techniques did work best for you?

    Basically everything. Lol. First, understanding the reasons which caused the breakup. Second: deal with my anxiety and fear. I meditate everyday. Visualization and doing the technique. I read everything about the LOA and the power of the subconscious mind. I listened to many audios, first ABraham hicks, Greg Bradden, Joe Dispenza and of course, The great Neville Goddard. And I got great support here, specially from Cheriesymone and Mcleanie (love you girls).
    And I started feeling good.


    9/29/2016 4:35 pm

    I am soooo happy for you!!! 😘

    9/27/2016 12:46 am

    Yay!!! Round of applause πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌΒ 

    And thank you for sharing and inspiring

    9/26/2016 10:50 pm

    Congrats jb

    9/26/2016 10:09 pm


    This got me so excited for my future, I wish you two the very best!!!

    9/26/2016 9:32 pm

    Wow I used to not want to read your posts because they started sounding hopeless, now this! Congrats!

    9/26/2016 5:32 pm

    Congrats on your success. Thank you for sharing your story with us and motivating us! With love Β 

    9/26/2016 4:29 pm

    Awesome!!!!Β  So happy for you.

    9/26/2016 4:12 pm

    Congrats (happy)

    9/26/2016 4:10 pm

    Did you use subliminals?

    9/26/2016 2:36 pm

    It makes me so happy to read about success stories like this. So so happy for you!!

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