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    Topic review (newest first):

    10/10/2016 12:37 am

    WOW! Must listen to this Abraham Hicks audio, I really resonated with this particular topic so much! It basically touches on the fact that anything you desire can become a full blown manifesttion but the one thing keeping your desire manifesting is because we let REALITY get in the way! If you use what you can see as the dominant basis of what you offer vibrationally and what your seeing is the absence of what you desire, your offering a vibration of what you dont want and your asking where is it? and how long is it going to take to get it? and its because you are facing reality rather then CREATING the reality you desire.

    You create your own reality and we are so reactionary, meaning most of our vibration is a reaction to what we see so if your not seeing your lover with you then you are reacting to them missing and your practicing the vibration of them not being there.


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