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    Topic review (newest first):

    10/15/2016 6:06 am

    Hello everybody, first of all, I would like to thank you all ! Reading you is a blessing to my heart <3 thank you Lanie for your wonderful books!

    I'm trying to manifest my ex back. I have been doing some PW for two weeks but I didn't get any contact from him. Since July I have had no contact with him, I sent him a mail almost three weeks ago but no reply. I have started to look at some pictures of him to feel that I will see him soon smiling to me. The day before my following "synchronicity/manifestation?" happened, I listen to this link post in the forum "Ek ong sat gurprasad"

    Just for the context, I live in Paris but live in surburb, my ex does also live in the surburb but in another city (42 km from my city).

    Yesterday, I went to a bar in Paris to meet a friend around 6pm + and I saw a guy who exactly looked like my ex wearing the same vest I offered him.

    Anyway, in the evening my sister came back from Paris and told me she saw him at 6pm + ! He was exactly wearing the outfit he had on a picture I looked at during the day (she described me his outfit). He was surprised to see her, as they were in opposite escalator they just said "hi" to each other from a distance.

    Do you think I manifest it ? Why did my sister see him and no me ? I mean it should make me feel good, as a sign right...
    I need your opinion, it made me feel a bit low as I didn't get any news from him for months... I don't know what I should think about it, is it a synchronicity ?

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