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    11/07/2016 4:09 am

    emmiline wrote:

    Hi daisychain,

    jag123 is right. Also for your own peace of mind refrain from giving any thought to the other woman. I am in a similar situation and when i use the techniques it is just about him and me - nothing to do with the other woman. Visualize him telling you that you are the only woman in his life.

    I had a coversation with my "man" a couple of weeks ago, while we were talking someone mentioned her name (the other woman), even though i know her part in his life i had this weird feeling she was a "stranger" to him, its hard to describe.. it felt like she was so far removed from my reality, hearing her name sounded foreign in a sense.

    At the start it was hard not to visualise her emmiline as she kept popping into my PW with him, I noticed me pushing her away once and then he started pushing her away! Since then she's appearing less and less!

    I know what you mean about the weird feeling, i've had that a few times too! After the first time I had it "she" tagged him in a girlfriend post on fb, coincidence hmmmm! Then a few days later he changed his background picture to include him, her and his brother and sister! Whether that meant anything I have no idea!

    11/07/2016 12:21 am

    Hi daisychain,

    jag123 is right. Also for your own peace of mind refrain from giving any thought to the other woman. I am in a similar situation and when i use the techniques it is just about him and me - nothing to do with the other woman. Visualize him telling you that you are the only woman in his life.

    I had a coversation with my "man" a couple of weeks ago, while we were talking someone mentioned her name (the other woman), even though i know her part in his life i had this weird feeling she was a "stranger" to him, its hard to describe.. it felt like she was so far removed from my reality, hearing her name  sounded foreign in a sense.

    10/31/2016 10:22 am

    Jag123 wrote:

    daisychain wrote:

    Jag123 wrote:

    Perfect!   Remember not to make her a "problem" in your waking life as well.  I can't wait to hear the next part of your journey.  I sense it will be good and a real uplifter for me today.  

    Jag In my PW's I sometimes have him say that he doesn't love or have any feelings for his girlfriend and that he will end it that kind of thing, is this okay to do or should I not be bringing her into my PW's at all?

    Personally, I wouldn't if I were you. Simply because this has nothing to do with her, and only to do with you two.  I  often say things like "No other woman compares or comes close to you" , however if he were with someone else, I think it would knock me out of balance.  There would be too many negative attachments to that other person in  my head, I would second guess myself as to the truth of it and they would appear to be an obstacle. Even during the visualisation I think I would inadvertently recognise a challenge.  Unless saying it makes you feel really good, I would take the focus back to just you and him and how it will be and feel once you are back together.  When you are back together, she won't be in the picture so she isn't even worth mentioning... no?

    Thanks Jag I never thought about it that way and yeah you are right there are negative attachments in my head regarding her.  The reason I started doing it was because she keeps popping into my visualisations and I started pushing her out, I've also noticed that in my last few when she's popped he's been pushing her out with his arm! Not sure if this is me making him push her away or him doing of his own accord? Or neither!

    Yes you are right when we are back together she will no longer be in the picture so definitely isn't worth mentioning

    10/31/2016 9:26 am

    daisychain wrote:

    Jag123 wrote:

    Perfect!   Remember not to make her a "problem" in your waking life as well.  I can't wait to hear the next part of your journey.  I sense it will be good and a real uplifter for me today.  

    Jag In my PW's I sometimes have him say that he doesn't love or have any feelings for his girlfriend and that he will end it that kind of thing, is this okay to do or should I not be bringing her into my PW's at all?

    Personally, I wouldn't if I were you. Simply because this has nothing to do with her, and only to do with you two.  I  often say things like "No other woman compares or comes close to you" , however if he were with someone else, I think it would knock me out of balance.  There would be too many negative attachments to that other person in  my head, I would second guess myself as to the truth of it and they would appear to be an obstacle. Even during the visualisation I think I would inadvertently recognise a challenge.  Unless saying it makes you feel really good, I would take the focus back to just you and him and how it will be and feel once you are back together.  When you are back together, she won't be in the picture so she isn't even worth mentioning... no?

    10/30/2016 6:56 pm

    I will be even more excited when he falls to his knees hehehe! 😂 I am going to do a visualization tonight before bed

    10/30/2016 1:45 pm

    Jag123 wrote:

    Perfect!   Remember not to make her a "problem" in your waking life as well.  I can't wait to hear the next part of your journey.  I sense it will be good and a real uplifter for me today.  

    Jag In my PW's I sometimes have him say that he doesn't love or have any feelings for his girlfriend and that he will end it that kind of thing, is this okay to do or should I not be bringing her into my PW's at all?

    10/30/2016 1:43 pm

    Fantastic, so happy for you!

    10/30/2016 1:25 pm

    Eeeee, this is so exciting!!! So happy for you!

    10/30/2016 12:27 pm

    Lucky you, fuck all has happened to me

    10/29/2016 2:14 pm

    That's a great point and I agree however it really makes me mad when men act that way lol I think they expect for you to ravenously go after them just because they reached out lol it's not happening. He will have to profess his feelings to me.

    10/29/2016 10:10 am

    You were on his mind, drunk or not. Having a few sherries lets the guard down, if he said it, he meant it. Thinking of reasons of why he may have done i.e. because of drink will hinder your progress.  Don't get attached to receiving a response, instead bask in a job well done and be open to what comes next. Easy to say, I know... 

    10/29/2016 9:49 am

    Thanks for the encouragement and everyone. I simply let him know "I am right here" let's see if I get a response or if it was just a drunk text because he is thinking about me. 😂

    10/29/2016 7:27 am

    I agree with Jag123, don't make her a problem or even put her in your thoughts. I know it's hard, I am going through the same thing. Continue with PW and watch it unfold right before your eyes. I wouldn't want anyone knowing I have that power either !!

    You got this.

    10/29/2016 7:16 am

    Perfect!   Remember not to make her a "problem" in your waking life as well.  I can't wait to hear the next part of your journey.  I sense it will be good and a real uplifter for me today.  

    10/29/2016 6:56 am

    Yea I never mentioned her in visualizations thankfully. I am focused on what we have not his distraction.

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