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    Topic review (newest first):

    11/23/2016 12:13 am

    I saw this one the other day too!!  gave me a fresh view on things

    11/21/2016 4:04 pm

    I saw this yesterday on Veronica's forum and would have put it on, but this has been the first chance today that I have had to come on here. So glad you have put it on. It made me think differently last night and the different thought processes I was having came into my dreams last night. I woke up this morning requesting the same thing from my point of view and feelings, and what happened, yes, by this afternoon part of what I was requesting appeared. I will certainly continue with this method

    11/21/2016 6:47 am

    Lalalovely, thank you so much for posting this. I've been struggling A LOT these past few days expecting him to change the situation and getting disappointed when it doesn't happen. Definitely opened my eyes watching this video, I might have to watch a few more times to make sure it sticks with me. Thank you!!!

    11/21/2016 5:19 am

    So I saw this video on veronica's forum (I normally don't read that forum but I had the inspired action to go there and watch some of the videos posted). This one really resonated with me, I experienced this myself but haven't thought about it this way. Hope it will be helpful for you too  

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