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    Topic review (newest first):

    12/01/2016 10:26 am

    I agree you dont to do PW everyday. Even Lanie says do it when you feel good and when its fun to you. Not when it feels like a chore. She even said in her book there were times where she didn't do it for a couple of weeks.

    PW is a very helpful tool to use for manifesting things. However no matter if you do it 2 times a day or once a week the person is still getting your love.

    12/01/2016 6:35 am

    Hi guys!
         I've been doing PW on and off. And If you remembered, I came here 3weeks ago asking if PW still works even if you do it once in a while.
         So I followed my gut feeling/instinct, I only do it if I remembered him and send him a quick love energy.
         Fast forward this week. I've been feeling really high and happy. Feeling that something big is gonna happen. I started seeing signs (I don't really look for signs, they just pop out) Then, last monday while I was browsing my call log on viber, I saw his name, it was last july. He called but I missed it and I only saw it until last monday! It was the time when I did PW/BWD on him EVERYDAY. So since it was too late to call him back, I just ignored it. Then, I saw his name again (his name is unique, not common) I really felt that he is on his way back, I just know and feel it. I don't know where that strong feeling came from. But then earlier this afternoon, my sister told me that my EX is in a relationship already (with the girl he cheated on me). It really surprised me that I was really calm and not bothered by it anymore. And then, I felt the urge to contact him. Mind you, I contacted him ONLY to ask about our savings. He was FLIRTING! He even called me and told me we'll be together someday. He told me I was the one who left him, blah blah blah... πŸ˜‚This was the longest talk we've ever had after we broke up last june. I was the one who ended our talks today. I'm taking things slow. If after today he won't contact me again, then its ok. I can still say, I still want him, he still gives me butterflies in my tummy. But If he is still not ready then its ok. Im fine whether he'll be back or not.

         So if you believe it would work, definitely it will work. thank you for the support guys! πŸ’ž

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