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    12/30/2016 11:51 pm

    Golden wrote:

    This definitely opened my eyes. I do need to work on patience , and to be honest I do feel that after a while I needed proof. I'm repeating myself but as I said before, after a year
    of no contact,
    "hello, how have you been?" would've been nice. Because I didn't get any reaction at all from him, I peacefully let him go...
    ✨Patience and faith without proof. Knowing you've got it even if you don't 'see' anything happening . And of course making sure that you'd personally feel good even if it never happens. Things to work on. ✨

    We are in the same boat, girl! Patience is so hard for me. I have unshakable faith and belief, but it's the patience part that gets me every time! But you know what, if Lanie can do it - so can we! All her hard work didn't go to waste and she never gave up and look at what she has now - her man that she loves! Not only that, but when she had him back she realized he had become the man she always wanted and deserved. So I view it as, "I love my man but if we were together now, would it work?" The answer is no because he isn't the man I know he can be yet! The universe is helping me with that part but in turn, I need to trust it and give it faith

    Circumstances in life also delay these things. I have no doubt PW and BWD work because there are too many success stories and people doing test subjects and what not to test it's validity and I totally believe it! No matter what, however, I do believe true and unconditional love and passion can conquer anything - fear, hopelessness and hate can never win unless we give it that power!

    The Universe never forgets anything, even when people sometimes do! That pure love and energy is always there and will always reach those you want!

    12/30/2016 10:27 pm

    Blue wrote:

    I also want to share this post from Veronica's forum about attracting a certain person and worries.


    This definitely opened my eyes. I do need to work on patience , and to be honest I do feel that after a while I needed proof. I'm repeating myself but as I said before, after a year
    of no contact,
    "hello, how have you been?" would've been nice. Because I didn't get any reaction at all from him, I peacefully let him go...
    ✨Patience and faith without proof. Knowing you've got it even if you don't 'see' anything happening . And of course making sure that you'd personally feel good even if it never happens. Things to work on. ✨

    12/30/2016 10:11 pm

    wanderlusting wrote:

    I have been doing the technique for 2.5 months solid. I have my days where I do it and then skip a day or so. While I have been able to manifest him back and us spending time together, he only ends up sticking around for a day or two and then disappears again. I saw him last night where he proceeded to tell me, after all this time post-break up, he still doesn't want to be in a relationship and that he sees himself being single all of next year as well. I don't have the desire or the patience to do what Lanie did for a whole year. I guess after a while, you get tired of trying and not getting the results you want. Sometimes, some things are just not meant to be. 

    Don't focus on the lack. Try to see the bigger picture. You've manifested him back!💛 Don't pay attention to what he isn't doing 'right'. Like emmiline mentioned above, they can sense the change, pushiness, and all of those things. Also, remember not to focus on what you don't want. You mentioned you don't want to have to spend a year ' trying ', well you aren't trying, you've already got him .
    You mentioned he only sticks around, then disappears, but don't forget he's human and may have reasons , things to deal with, etc .

    12/30/2016 6:48 pm

    I also want to share this post from Veronica's forum about attracting a certain person and worries.


    12/30/2016 6:14 pm

    Hi lovelies,

    I just want to clarify that Lanie went out and enjoyed her life throughout that entire time. Even though she used the technique from time to time on her man she didnt make him her primary focus. I think a lot of us get frustrated when the guy pulls back but part of the reason is because they can sense that we are "pushing" them towards a relationship.

    What i have learnt is that when i get frustrated its because im giving too much of my energy to the outcome i desire, this is draining esp. when the guy becomes distant. When you sense the frustration and energy drain creeping in, this is a sign to shift your focus back to you. Have fun with your friends, do something fun that raises your vibe.

    It's entirely up to you if you want to continue using the techniques on him or move on, but its better to make that decision from a place of gratitude, peace and thanks for what the experience gave you versus frustration or anger at his indifference.

    12/30/2016 5:19 pm

    wanderlusting wrote:

    I have been doing the technique for 2.5 months solid. I have my days where I do it and then skip a day or so. While I have been able to manifest him back and us spending time together, he only ends up sticking around for a day or two and then disappears again. I saw him last night where he proceeded to tell me, after all this time post-break up, he still doesn't want to be in a relationship and that he sees himself being single all of next year as well. I don't have the desire or the patience to do what Lanie did for a whole year. I guess after a while, you get tired of trying and not getting the results you want. Sometimes, some things are just not meant to be. 

    What do you do in your sessions? Make sure you are really feeling it and believe it with all your heart!

    12/30/2016 5:10 pm

    I have been doing the technique for 2.5 months solid. I have my days where I do it and then skip a day or so. While I have been able to manifest him back and us spending time together, he only ends up sticking around for a day or two and then disappears again. I saw him last night where he proceeded to tell me, after all this time post-break up, he still doesn't want to be in a relationship and that he sees himself being single all of next year as well. I don't have the desire or the patience to do what Lanie did for a whole year. I guess after a while, you get tired of trying and not getting the results you want. Sometimes, some things are just not meant to be. 

    12/29/2016 8:40 pm

    Thanks Blue - that's a great reminder  I sometimes also re-read her books for motivation and to keep the faith going.   

    Golden - thank you! it upsets me sometimes for sure and i get impatient.  and i totally understand how you think because i feel the same way - how does he not miss me??  sometimes i think this works better when only a few months passed after the break up.  for both of us, a year has passed and that's a long time.. 
    if you want him back, maybe it's worth trying again?  


    12/29/2016 6:39 pm

    Blue wrote:

    Remember in Lanie's PW book she said that she knew her man could not get her off his mind and she never doubted it because she had faith. Then when he came back he told her he missed her every day! She never lost faith because she said she just knew. Also, remember she said she didn't use it every day and would sometimes do it every few days but because thoughts are "like a cloud" he still got the messages. 

    I re-read both PW and BWD today and it's helped boost my positivity - I would def recommend re-reading them if you guys need some motivation. Also, keep in mind everyone's success stories and remember that thoughts are things and they do manifest and happen and reach the people you love - no matter what!

    This is lovely advice💛. Though I've decided to let my person go , this could be helpful with my next guy lol. You and HH are definitely right about keeping faith . Maybe I wasn't keeping it constant enough .

    12/29/2016 6:30 pm

    HH wrote:

    wow good post, good questions... did you do the technique every day for a year?  
    I am curious to know if anyone had a similar experience or the answers.  

    I am in a situation where Ive been doing it for months with not even one sign, no hello, not even unblocking from fb.  So I can understand after a year how it can get too much... and how you feel the energy is wasted.  I was going to stop after new years... but i don't want to lose my faith.  

    Do you believe he is the one for you?  A lot of it has to do with faith..


    Hi HH,😊
    When I first began, I'd do the technique every night before bed. I really enjoyed it because it's definitely a mood booster and I'd have vivid dreams of the person and whatnot . I was definitely feeling the love and people were noticing lol. If I felt myself becoming too attached, I'd stop.
    So I was doing the technique constantly , then it became an 'off-and-on ' thing . (Which I thought was fine since the ladies have said it still works after you stop.)
    I feel this person is very important to me. We lived in the same neighborhood growing up. We were best friends for a long time before even dating . So it was painful to not even get a simple response, when most of your memories are with this person. It's like how can you not miss me even a bit lol? (Hope that doesn't make me sound crazy !)
    I'd actually encourage you that if your situation isn't upsetting you , keep going! Remember even though it didn't happen in my case some of the ladies , and Lanie herself ,did the techniques for a year before finding success. But they didn't dwell on the person. If it's making you feel resentful or you're feeling impatient , maybe take a break, try to understand what's under the surface that makes you feel this way.

    12/29/2016 6:05 pm

    HH wrote:

    wow good post, good questions... did you do the technique every day for a year?  
    I am curious to know if anyone had a similar experience or the answers.  

    I am in a situation where Ive been doing it for months with not even one sign, no hello, not even unblocking from fb.  So I can understand after a year how it can get too much... and how you feel the energy is wasted.  I was going to stop after new years... but i don't want to lose my faith.  

    Do you believe he is the one for you?  A lot of it has to do with faith..


    Remember in Lanie's PW book she said that she knew her man could not get her off his mind and she never doubted it because she had faith. Then when he came back he told her he missed her every day! She never lost faith because she said she just knew. Also, remember she said she didn't use it every day and would sometimes do it every few days but because thoughts are "like a cloud" he still got the messages. 

    I re-read both PW and BWD today and it's helped boost my positivity - I would def recommend re-reading them if you guys need some motivation. Also, keep in mind everyone's success stories and remember that thoughts are things and they do manifest and happen and reach the people you love - no matter what!

    12/29/2016 5:19 pm

    wow good post, good questions... did you do the technique every day for a year?  
    I am curious to know if anyone had a similar experience or the answers.  

    I am in a situation where Ive been doing it for months with not even one sign, no hello, not even unblocking from fb.  So I can understand after a year how it can get too much... and how you feel the energy is wasted.  I was going to stop after new years... but i don't want to lose my faith.  

    Do you believe he is the one for you?  A lot of it has to do with faith..


    12/29/2016 2:15 pm

    I'm at a weird place, since I've decided to move on from this person a while ago and have stopped doing the technique on them. I've used the technique in other instances, (for example, when I didn't want something to go wrong or even to stop someone from discussing certain things so that we could all have a peaceful day lol. I've gotten it to work on a different ex and various situations so this isn't me doubting the technique. I can't doubt when I see all of the beautiful success stories😊) but I also can't help but wonder why it didn't work on my main person. I found Lanie's technique last year and pretty much had been applying it to said person for an entire year. Very detached, didn't really even focus all my attention on romance because I valued their friendship even more (& if we were to date again , well that would've been cool too.💛) This isn't a random person but someone I've known since I was very young . You'd think in an entire year, after doing this to the best of my ability (and reading all of you ladies' tips before I joined the forum as well ) they'd at least say hi ? Nothing at all.
    I don't do the technique on them anymore because I felt I put enough energy in it.
    Do you ladies ever get to a point where you think maybe the person just isn't meant to be in your life anymore? Did anyone stop completely and decide to try again?
    Disclaimer : I know we're supposed to keep this place positive, I enjoy coming here to read positivity so I really hope I am not ruining the vibe. Also not attempting to dissuade anyone!

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