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    Topic review (newest first):

    1/19/2017 12:12 am

    This is so helpful and such great reminders. Thanks Blue!

    1/18/2017 7:46 pm


    thanks for the post Blue.

    1/18/2017 6:42 pm

    I've been seeing a lot of posts about people getting anxious over "not seeing results" or being NC for a certain amount of months, oh they're still in a relationship with so-and-so, etc. I'm here to remind you: CIRCUMSTANCES DO NOT MATTER! Current "reality" does not matter because it is not your end destation. Your focus should be solely on your final outcome and nothing else. Understand that worrying and negativity are only going to heighten that negativity and your fears into the possibility of manifesting instead of your desires.

    Energy flows where attention goes.

    Patience is an extremely important part of LOA, that includes PW/BWD. Patience and Faith go hand in hand.

    The Law of Gestation is one of the Universal laws that state that the Universe needs time in order to make your desires fall into place naturally. That doesn't mean your desires aren't on their way because they are. Our desires are like puzzles and the universe needs time to solve these before the masterpiece is created. Some puzzles may have pieces than the other, but nevertheless - the universe always solves them.

    Think of planting a flower, you put the seeds in the soil, water it daily and wait. You know it's going to bloom, it just takes time. Digging it up every day to see if it has roots is only going to hinder the process of it growing because you are disturbing the natural order of things. The same with our desires.

    Let's say you want to be with a certain person. Well, there may be certain events the universe needs to place into action order for things to fall into place so the two of you can be together. Again, this will take time so patience and faith are a must. You can't just snap your fingers and have it be there, it doesn't work that way. There is no situation where things are "ridiculous" or improbable. Impossible does not exist in the Universe.

    Major keys:
    - Patience
    Distract yourself. Let go and know your desires are manifesting. Continue doing PW/BWD, change up your visualisations every now and then for some fun. Cook, read, try a new sport or hobby you've always wanted to try. Write a book, watch movies or your favourite childhood TV shows. Go shopping, do your hair, your nails, have a ladies night. Know that the universe will work the speed which she sees fit and best for the outcome and we need to trust her.

    - Faith
    This is one everyone has problems with. Even Lanie herself mentioned that at one point she asked herself if she forgot how to manifest. When we don't see progress or signs, we begin to doubt. However, we don't doubt other things we do not see - such as light waves, wifi, gravity, etc. Just because you can't see something does not mean it isn't there, your target feels and thinks about you probably a lot more than you think about them. PW/BWD work 100%, every time. It's proven fact with multiple testimonies, scientific papers and studies. So when you begin to doubt, go read some success stories and re-read Lanie's books.

    The Universe is not here to "punish" you and will never do you wrong. She wants you to have everything you desire, but you can't rush great things. You wouldn't desire something if that desire didn't want you too, that's fact.

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