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    Topic review (newest first):

    1/19/2017 1:03 pm

    So many synchronicities have happened over the past 3/4 weeks and this latest made me laugh and say a big haha to the universe for making me laugh! 

    With us still on talking terms albeit always me reaching out, last time to wish him a Happy New Year I REALLY believed he'd wish me happy birthday today but he hasn't...yet!  I guess I'm still too focused on him as i'm feeling hurt and a bit angry that he hasn't reached out .  I know I shouldn't feel like this and i'm pulling it back.

    Sorry guys just had to vent a little, it helps me to release a bit!

    1/19/2017 12:57 pm

    Thanks Eleven x

    1/19/2017 11:33 am

    Happy, happy birthday! 

    1/19/2017 11:07 am

    Thank you Indigo 😊 x

    1/19/2017 10:34 am

    Happy Birthday Daisy.  I hope you have a really great day 

    1/19/2017 8:04 am

    Today is my birthday and i'd been visualising for the past week my love sending me a happy birthday message and a nice photo.  The universe has certainly made me laugh today!

    Over the past few weeks i've had a few facebook friend requests and a twitter message all from guys from the same Country as my love, I've accepted a few of them.  Anyways with me visualising a nice message and photo from my love for my birthday, I did get a message and photo but not from him! It was from one of these new facebook friends (from his Country)......made me laugh!

    Right Country just wrong guy

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