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    2/12/2017 3:32 pm

    Lulu11 wrote:

    Okay so I am still using this on my ex but I see another potential candidate that actually lives in my own town. So if you use this on someone you've never dated before although we don't focus on when or how it will work does it typically take quicker since there is more likely less of a block? Since there isn't any negatives from the past or friction between the two? Anyone have experience with a new POI on this ?

     It works extremely fast on guys or just anyone you don't have any resistance or blockage with! 💞

    2/12/2017 8:42 am

    Okay so I am still using this on my ex but I see another potential candidate that actually lives in my own town. So if you use this on someone you've never dated before although we don't focus on when or how it will work does it typically take quicker since there is more likely less of a block? Since there isn't any negatives from the past or friction between the two? Anyone have experience with a new POI on this ?

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