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    Topic review (newest first):

    2/22/2017 6:30 am

    I still feel that way sometimes, we're all still learning shout conscious creating. Something that helps me and could help you is scripting what you would like to do with your guy today. Write a detailed journal entry for today with detailed descriptions of what you would ideally like to be doing with your man and the read it when you catch yourself feeling lovesick  (happy)

    2/22/2017 5:54 am

    donna89 wrote:

    i hope im on the right track because since last couple days every time i pw him i keep getting weird love sick feeling in my tummy and i had it all day today couldnt shake it off like i feel excited thinking somethign coming good hes on his way lol is this good or normal or sign im on the right track - even though he's recently askd a girl out on a date not me

    I'm sorry about your tummy ache but I don't think PW is causing it.
    It's probably caused by you stressing about what he's doing.  Please
    study PW/LOA and how it works because he is the one that should
    be love sick, not you.


    2/21/2017 9:11 pm

    i hope im on the right track because since last couple days every time i pw him i keep getting weird love sick feeling in my tummy and i had it all day today couldnt shake it off like i feel excited thinking somethign coming good hes on his way lol is this good or normal or sign im on the right track - even though he's recently askd a girl out on a date not me 

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