Everyone has "off" days where it feels like maybe you aren't manifesting but I don't dwell on those thoughts more than a few seconds. I know I have the power and ability to manifest whatever I desire AND I know I can contact any person I want to contact if I choose to. Also, I know without a doubt that they get the message! I don't give my power away to others and sit around waiting for their phone call or text. I contact them using the technique I taught you and then I go about my day. It doesn't matter how much I love them and care for someone if it is not reciprocated I don't stay in the relationship and I don't desire to go back to it.
Honestly, if you are busy working on yourself and growing there isn't time for pity parties and feeling like a victim. In my world if someone doesn't treat me right they don't deserve me and therefore I move on. I realize that many people feel differently and I respect their opinions, I am just telling you about my philosophy.
I have enough love and respect for myself that I will either be a priority to my mate or I won't be in the relationship. I wasn't always this way but LOA and my technique have helped me immensely to grow stronger and more confident. Hope this helps! :-)
I dunno. I'm just assuming here...
But I feel like maybe she just fades out of existence and just doesn't do negative thoughts. Then, molecule by molecule she forms her self back together to react to the positive energy...
I could be wrong...
Only kidding. I'm interested in this too.
Dear Lanie,
This is one topic which I did not find in any of the previous threads. There was one topic which discussed how you handled yourself when you were away from your ex for one year but I want to know how do you handle "off days" or "bad days" in general? When nothing seems to go right or fear creeps into every cell of your body.
Also wanted to know how is your boy friend doing now? I remember you had posted awhile ago that he was going through some health issues.