LANIE STEVENS Books & Meditations --

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Topic review (newest first):

3/21/2017 12:12 pm

Yes, it does.  Thank you!

Except that I can't find the MP3?

3/20/2017 7:31 pm

Hi Clove and welcome to the forum

You'll find all you need to know about the Love Spell in Lanie's book Manifesting Love: Using the Power of "LOA", "EFT" and a "Love Spell".  You'll also need to purchase the meditation for the spell which you can get on Lanie's site.

Hope this helps x

3/20/2017 7:28 pm

It is in the newest book Manifesting Love

3/20/2017 7:17 pm


I;m new to the forum and have all of Lanie's books.  However, I see a lot of people here talking about Lanie's Love Spell, but yet, cannot find anything about this or what to do for it?

Help, please 


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