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    Topic review (newest first):

    3/21/2017 2:51 am

    Happy and joyful is good. That's the ideal vibration to be in.

    You need to detach if you were to feel anxiety / impatience / anger or anything negative.

    3/21/2017 2:12 am

    Sometimes when I do the techniques I'm having trouble letting go after.
    Did BWD this morning, and simply couldn't let go of the loving and sexual feelings after.
    I felt happy and joyful.
    But I've read that you have to let go after the techniques. So are these feelings good or bad in this situation?
    The truth is, I always feel happy and in love whenever I think about my girlfriend.
    But this morning was just much more than usual.

    It's almost like I feel that I'm 95% there. That I can see my girlfriend just out there in the distance. Slightly out of reach, but sooo close.
    I really feel that this will happen and can't wait to tell everyone that we're engaged 😊
    Does this make any sense?

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