That's great news! Get better sweetie! :-)
Hello beautiful people!
This week I have been really sick. I wasn't able to hold food down due to my illness. My guy and I texted back and forth for a while yesterday. Anyway, he stopped texting me yesterday because he was at a work thing.
So today (6/9/1017) I did PW at exactly 7:46am-8:02am. During the PW I whispered in his ear to text me today to see how I am doing and really misses me. And guess what!!!??? He texted me at 10:02am and asked about how I was doing and etc. Then he texted me this message that made me so happy and emotional (good way). He said "whatever helps, def do it babe. that was kinda making me sad yesterday. really wish i could help you or had the cure" .... I was so excited to see results of PW working so quickly. It is just a indicator that it really does work and it takes time and faith.