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    Topic review (newest first):

    8/08/2017 3:52 pm

    I have certainly felt something, a glow, change in heartbeat, that sort of thing. That is usually with PW or any other sort of visualising involving L. Just the effect he has on me I guess.

    8/08/2017 3:25 pm

    Do you get any physical sensations when practicing LOA and PW? If I can bring myself up to higher vibrations I can feel a physical change in myself.

    Not only of course a mental / psychological "relief" calmness, etc, but a "physical" reaction as well.

    It's different for everyone and there's no right or wrong, and feeling anything vs feeling nothing doesn't really matter I'm just so curious to hear and share our experiences

    For me, I can feel like it's much easier to breathe, like my chest is opening up - and I rarely do guided meditation or focus on my breathing, but when I practice LOA, making gratitude lists, or scripting or visualizations, I just happen to suddenly notice about half way through, my "heart" or my "chest" is more open feeling as my energy is becoming more positive. I assume this is side effect of letting go of stress and focusing on the LOA activities. I also feel sometimes like heart flutters, especially when scripting or doing visualization, which I assume is like an excited / anticipation type of feeling

    Anyone experience anything similar, or nothing at all (we had a thread for that recently which got me thinking about this topic), or something completely different? I've read yawning is also a common "physical" symptom. . Things like that - or anything you'd like to share - I look forward to reading your stories.

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