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    1/22/2018 3:40 pm

    WOOWWWWWWW! What a really nice update. Love hearing this

    1/22/2018 11:45 am

    He pleads for my attention so much now that he has asked me if I sit back and laugh at his efforts.  He continues to brainstorm ways to receive my time. He has asked me about any other guys that I may be seeing and he has explained to me how he is a match for what I am looking for in guys.  He really wants to move forward.

    1/14/2018 11:37 pm

    Such an uplifting story

    12/19/2017 1:12 pm

    Thank you Dannie.

    12/19/2017 11:13 am

    I am so happy for you Av

    12/18/2017 10:51 pm

    AnnanWater wrote:

    Were you NC for a long time and he contacted you out of the blue? 

    Yes months of NC

    12/18/2017 10:42 pm

    Were you NC for a long time and he contacted you out of the blue? 

    12/18/2017 9:26 pm

    Thank you. I think it is both

    12/18/2017 6:14 pm

    Avaelle wrote:

    He kept messaging and begging when I ignored him and declined his requests

    Wow great! Congrats again! 

    12/18/2017 5:42 pm

    He kept messaging and begging when I ignored him and declined his requests

    12/18/2017 5:39 pm

    Loved your story! I wonder since you let go how did he start showing he is interested? He was messaging more and started paying more attention? This part where we let go and they start paying attention the moment they seemed not interested is so interesting.

    12/18/2017 4:51 pm


    LOL Yes.

    12/18/2017 4:50 pm

    I'm soo happy for you!

    Is this a guy you were writteing about all the time you were active?

    12/18/2017 4:22 pm


    My end goal is to be at an extremely high vibration.  I'm heading in that direction without trying to pay attention to what I can get at the end of it. I want to be in a place where when I do any of these techniques, it is out carefree fun and not a dying urge. 

    Every single time he has asked me out,  I've been out the door busy or on a trip somewhere. I'm living and loving my life now.  I still find him attractive and I'd date him but it's like it's not like I'd run to him.  He and I talk all of the time and he contacts me first every single time now.

    Right now,  there are things in my life that I'm getting in order. I'm not even 100% sure that it's a good time to be dating. I'm undecided if I want him to be a friend or lover now.  But,  if I decided that I wanted to start dating next week - I'd be open to seeing him.

    12/18/2017 3:24 pm

    Massive congratulations!!! This is an amazing story and you have done amazingly well.  

    So how do you want your story to end?  You have the version of him that you want, you are in control.  Are you indifferent about being with him, or is that just how you feel in his approach to you?  I am very curious to know!

    If your story isn't an inspiration to keep on with the self love, I don't know what is.  Massive congrats again, not because you got him back, but because you got you back!!!

    J xx

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