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    2/08/2018 7:41 am

    Hello, 3 times a day sounds excessive to me. It's kind of like you are so worried it won't work. I say drop it down to two and practice more self love meditation (Agnes Vivarelli on YouTube). You should be so happy on your journey to getting him that you do not care when or how it happens. I would say cord cutting meditation as well.

    1/26/2018 4:17 am


    I have been doing PW about 6 weeks now 3 times a day and I can really feel the connection, however, I have heard nothing from my POI as of yet. Other exes have been in contact though. I practice Abraham Hicks also and i can really feel that this is a sure thing, but I am starting to feel very impatient, has this happened to anyone and if so how did you deal with it? 

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