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  •  » which cutting the cord meditation is best for platonic friends?
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    Topic review (newest first):

    4/01/2018 7:06 pm

    I was leaning a little more towards that one too just because it specified "friends". I liked that the other mp3 helped win back the power that had been taken away and let the person feel the loss but it seems the end game for the original one is to eventually bring the person back into your life. I am still a little unsure but thanks for the insight and other suggestions.  

    4/01/2018 12:06 pm

    Thank you for the responses. I will try out your suggestions,very helpful.

    4/01/2018 11:12 am

    I've only tried the first one so can't compare them.
    Keep working on forgiveness, and identity the feelings that their behaviour stirred up in you, such as not being good enough or not being worthy or whatever it was and work on self love affirmations to change those ideas, Louise Hay mirror work might be good for you for releasing some of those kinds of feelings.


    3/31/2018 5:21 pm

    Hi all. Sorry if there's a topic on this somewhere, I was unable to find it. I see Lanie has two different cutting the cord meditations available on her site and I am wondering which is best for my situation. 

    I had a group of friends who were very toxic that I cut out of my life but even though It has been over a year, I can't help but have them pop into my head and show up in my dreams. It is an unpleasant and negative experience for me every time. I have done the forgiveness mediation and felt a bit better but after reading some experiences on here about cutting the cord, I believe they still hold some power over me. I want them out of my life permanently but I do want them to feel my loss if that isn't petty.

    Which of the two meditations is right for this situation? Can I use the meditation for a group of people or must I repeat it for each individual?

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