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    4/17/2018 11:46 am

    sarahjayne wrote:

    oh wow ok  yes I am definitely not reaching out to him only in the meditation sessions. 

    The thing is that he has become distant, meanwhile - I am not kidding - I have received 2 marriage proposals from other men (1 is very serious, the other is half serious) as well as an ex coming back. But I don't really want to have a commitment with any of them lol 

    Those sound like great signs to me. Keep up the good work you are doing.

    4/17/2018 10:02 am

    oh wow ok  yes I am definitely not reaching out to him only in the meditation sessions. 

    The thing is that he has become distant, meanwhile - I am not kidding - I have received 2 marriage proposals from other men (1 is very serious, the other is half serious) as well as an ex coming back. But I don't really want to have a commitment with any of them lol 

    4/17/2018 9:54 am

    sarahjayne wrote:

    Hello everyone! 

    I have some great news, my POI has repeated to me many of the things I have been saying to him in PW sessions. 

    More recently I ramped it up a little using PW to create a much stronger connection and in most of these sessions he is very emotional and is talking commitment, and I am the only one for him etc. etc. 

    He has become more distant recently since doing this however. Does this often happen?

    This sounds great. Don't let him being a bit distant affect you emotionally. Right now he is determining whether he really should give up the bachelor life in favor of you. He needs time and space to think. Let him have him of course. Just keep doing your part in pussy whipping him. LOL!!!

    4/16/2018 12:49 pm

    Hello everyone! 

    I have some great news, my POI has repeated to me many of the things I have been saying to him in PW sessions. 

    More recently I ramped it up a little using PW to create a much stronger connection and in most of these sessions he is very emotional and is talking commitment, and I am the only one for him etc. etc. 

    He has become more distant recently since doing this however. Does this often happen? 


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