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    Topic review (newest first):

    4/19/2018 5:06 am

    Lovely to hear keep up the good work  xxx

    4/18/2018 2:52 am

    So happy for you

    4/18/2018 2:40 am

    I am actually so excited I can hardly sit still! My POI called me at work today to ask a question about his move to England. He sounded so nervous, and was laughing alot in a very nervous sort of way. Anyway, I remembered what Lanie had said and just chatted to him in a friendly way asked him questions about the training course he had been on. He ended the conversation by saying "Listen, please don't be a stranger to me you know.......". I replied, "No, I won't. Are you on Facebook?" and he said yes and told me what his Facebook account is called. I said I would look him up, and he replied "Great!". Thank you so much Lanie, and all the ladies who have given me advice and encouragement. I know it is only the beginning, but now I can continue the techniques, and get to know my POI. 😊

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