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8/11/2018 8:56 pm

tennrn99 wrote:

I don't know what cutting the cord is? Is it a book? I can't find it.  Just know it was mentioned in pussy whipped.   Thank you so much for your help

It's a meditation that will help you to disconnect from your person.  It's on Lanie's website.

8/06/2018 6:09 pm

Thank you  Hermeshorse for the information  & the think.  I do see the differences that you explained.  Out of habit I find myself saying  I want him back but I quickly change it to He is mine & I desire spending time with him.  Just a bit of adjustment & learning a new habit.

8/06/2018 4:06 pm

That's a good idea Strawberry  goddess.  I like the sounds of the ocean or beach.  Any advice on breaking the habit of thinking or saying I want as opposed to I desire.  Spent 40 years saying I want even as I child.... What do you want Santa to bring you.   Never occurred to me that there was negativity attached to those words.

8/06/2018 3:44 pm

I've had the same issues that your having...I believe zen meditations are the best for clearing the mind...also you can go on YouTube and find relaxing meditation to help you clear the monkey listen to spa music and do zen also...also try nature sounds...that helps me as well.

8/06/2018 3:26 pm

Strawberry goddess - I found the mediation of cutting the cord online today & ordered it.   I have not tried it yet as I seem to have a Lot on my mind today & am having trouble clearing my thoughts.  Do others have this same issue?  How do you manage it or what do you do about it?

Also, I find myself saying "I want" a lot So I'm trying to break that habit & say I desire  but am worried about what type of negativity I am attracting to myself.   Have others had difficulty  making this adjustment?


8/06/2018 12:46 am

Your welcome!☺️

8/05/2018 11:47 pm

Yes ma'am.  I will look tomorrow. Thank you for your help

8/05/2018 11:44 pm

Cutting the cord is a meditation you need to purchase.. it's a meditation that Lanie has on her website along with other meditations... Google Lanie Stevens meditations or her name and there should be some sort of link that you can click on to get to her website where the meditations are...or you can look at the end of your pussy whip book and the link to her website should be in that book...let me know when you find it.

8/05/2018 11:37 pm

I don't know what cutting the cord is? Is it a book? I can't find it.  Just know it was mentioned in pussy whipped.   Thank you so much for your help

8/05/2018 11:08 pm

Continue to do cutting the cord after your techniques...the next book would be burn with that one thoroughly and practice that technique as well...make sure to do cutting the cord afterwards!

8/05/2018 11:01 pm

Thank you Strawberry Goddess! I actually just got done reading that one. I wasn't sure if that was the best one to start with.  I read something about cutting the cord? Also not sure which book to read next or does it matter?

8/05/2018 10:54 pm

I believe Lanie would say to start out with pussy whipped help you understand the technique and how to use it. Start with that first and it will lead you into and help you better understand her other books..I hope this helps!

8/05/2018 10:46 pm

Hello! I'm not only new to the forum but also to Lanie's books.  Can someone please recommend which books I should read first or in what order?

Thank you,

8/05/2018 7:11 am

Good morning all!

I have some questions about what is “normal” regarding these exercises, and if I’m somehow messing up.

I did the PW meditation last night at bedtime. Enjoyed it.

I just now did the exercise alone, visualizing him and his words. Again, I had eyelid and forehead twitches. Is this normal?

This time I visualized him in his home. I didn’t script it. I heard his words to himself, not to me, unscripted. His self talk regarding me, us. I tried to end the session, but my brain/mind/subconscious(?) wouldn’t allow me to, and continued with more unscripted words and thoughts to himself. Forehead and eyes twitching like crazy.

Is this ok? Is this normal? Am I doing this right??

8/04/2018 5:56 pm

Thank you for the welcome! I’m in the process of reading Pussy Whip, and just completed the exercise outlined in Chapter 6. That was an experience!

A little background - my boyfriend broke up with me seemingly out of nowhere a month ago. We were together for 1.5 years, but have known each other longer. He has professional and personal issues that negatively impact our relationship. I feel he is my soulmate, and we always had an intense connection.

I said “seemingly” but space and no contact bring clarity. While he was never a jerk or rude, I now think of times when he wasn’t Mr Wonderful either. I love him, I miss him, our love, our connection, our chemistry.

So I just did the exercise. I did it lying in bed. I visualized him, but my mind put him in my driveway, getting out of his car. I visualized his outfit even, and me walking through my living room to my front door.

I heard his words. I heard my response. What surprised me is that I said “I love you too.” (Whenever he would tell me he loved me, I never said “I love you too.” I always responded simply “I love you.”) So hearing myself say “too” caught me off guard.

I recently saw a psychic. She said I have a huge heart, but it’s guarded. I’m now thinking that my never saying “too” was guarding my heart by not acknowledging his love for me, instead I just professed my own. But that’s a whole other subtopic.

Anyways, it was an incredible experience. My forehead twitched, my eyelids twitched. While my eyes were closed at the end of it,it was almost like I was staring at a slow moving ceiling fan. But my eyes were closed.

Now I have a bit of a frontal lobe headache. I’m thinking wine might help it.

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