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    Topic review (newest first):

    12/15/2018 9:01 am

    renyu wrote:

    So, i've been trying to attract my ex back with PW and BWD technique..
    I think i did it right cause i feel glad, ease, and happy afterwards.

    I also added some visualization about us being together happily before drifting to sleep. And got him inside my dream for a few days. (I heard its a good thing)

    But, my dreams were unpleasant. He rejected me in dreams and this is happens for few days. Does that mean his unconciousness rejecting me?
    Im pretty sure i didnt have inner mind where he dont want me.. Cause i believe the PW and BWD is working..

    Visualization before sleeping is a good thing. Just continue what you're doing. Personally for me, I don't think dreams have something to do with the results of your manifestation. Before sleeping, I oftentimes think about my tasks. I think about how I would accomplish it the next day. What's weird is that I dream about it that night but in my dream, I didn't accomplish my tasks. I realized maybe your dreams are just playing with what you were thinking that day.

    9/22/2018 2:50 pm

    9/19/2018 8:52 pm

    So, i've been trying to attract my ex back with PW and BWD technique..
    I think i did it right cause i feel glad, ease, and happy afterwards.

    I also added some visualization about us being together happily before drifting to sleep. And got him inside my dream for a few days. (I heard its a good thing)

    But, my dreams were unpleasant. He rejected me in dreams and this is happens for few days. Does that mean his unconciousness rejecting me?
    Im pretty sure i didnt have inner mind where he dont want me.. Cause i believe the PW and BWD is working..

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