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    Topic review (newest first):

    11/20/2018 1:29 pm

    The best course of action is always a discussion.  It sounds like neither of you has really stated what it is you need from the relationship and each other.  Since you have a child it is important to communicate.  I know people who have been together for 30 years and separated because of their inability to communicate.  Once a threat has been made to leave, or someone has asked the other to move out, no one wants to back down from that stance.  A heart-to-heart talk could change it if that’s what you desire.  By heart-to-heart I mean opening yourselves up to a deep conversation and really HEARING what the other person is saying.  :-)

    11/17/2018 1:13 pm

    So last night I feel into a deep meditation and arose almost from a sleep. During my actual sleep I had the vividest dream imaginable whereby me and my SP tentatively kissed and it felt SO real. I woke up feeling amazing.
    At lunch I saw 1111. However our day progressed into us having discussions about him moving out and his mixed signals. We are broken up but living together and sometimes still acting like a couple.

    Although I hate how our day went and that I want us to be together. I feel good. I also during the convos saw 333.

    I feel that I havent truly allowed him to feel not with me, so why would he want to get back together. I feel good in asking him to leave. So that he can miss me and our little girl and truly understand how amazing we are. Even during these convos he kept saying how he hasnt moved out because he wants to be there for me and her. But could really formulate why. Our breakup was because he wasnt sure he wanted the family life and me. But I see now I havent really left, we are still in limbo.

    I feel that the universe is telling me to be stronger. That I need to cut the relationship properly in order for it to reevolve. I also dont know why, but I have this deep feeling that we are meant to be together....i have our whole relationship.

    Thank you Universe for giving me my voice today and saying out loud things I had hidden from him and was scared to say incase it hurt him.

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