Lanie Stevens "Empowering Women" -
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[quote=kschmeck]Hi Lanie! Thank you sooo much for answering all these questions in this wonderful thread! I really hope, your fiancé will be fine soon! I wish you two all the best! If you find the time to answer to one more question, I'd be so grateful. Many LOA teachers say that it is not possible to influence another person, because we can not create their reality for them and because they have free will. From what I read in your books and in this forum it is possible. You even wrote about this man, you teaches your technique and he was then using it against you. Even against your will, right?!? It's just confusing, there is so many information out there on how to attract a specific partner, most say it's not even possible and that we should let universe find our perfect match, and others, like you, who give hope to those madly in love with a special someone... thank you for all you've been doing for your sisters! 😘[/quote]
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