Lanie Stevens "Empowering Women" -
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[quote=Jag123][quote=violetback]Hi there, I have been reading Lanie's book for awhile n having ups n downs...I don't sure what to desire, Ex n I started a biz when we first started dating. Broke up 2 yrs ago n he had a new relationship months later. He came back (while still dating her), we kept being somewhat more than just friend...not intimately. She found out and broke up with him n earlier this year, they got back together. I have been feeling ups (while i could detach) n downs all along and it's very difficult. Neither of us would leave the biz in near future, and he keeps trying to be friend. For me, it's 1 or's been a battle for me deep down that i want him back / completely out of my life. i know he still has feelings for me but not enough to do much about it. I did PW once awhile n i can see he's getting much attached (call me every morning to wake me up...ask me for lunch, text after work). But the more of these the more doubt of myself comes, will this be another time like the last time? he just wants me as work buddy (he said so)? is he just using me to fill the void? I had that thought that I am not good enough for him to commit compare to's been haunting me. I don't know what to desire. I will be happy if he values me as a life partner. Someone he wanna spend his time and effort to be with. Btw, I tried to meet new ppl after we broke up but i couldn't fall in love for any one of time for long, usually the relationship ends itself in 1-2 months...I feel i have no choice n being stuck. [img][/img] Thanks for reading, I feel shame to talk to my friends because they think he doesn't worth my emotion n make me feel even worse. it's nice to write it out =] Appreciate all your reply! [/quote] Hi Violetback, You are definitely in the right place for support! You have had some great advice already, I think I sound like a stuck record on here, but when I read your post, the first thing I thought was "this girl needs to take herself off the table - she should not be an option for him" As Emmiline wisely pointed he needs to respect you and your boundaries. However, have you thought about what your boundaries actually are? Do you actually respect yourself, and if you don't then why? You are using him and his actions as a benchmark of your own worth. Which is ridiculous because you are the only person on earth fit to judge who you are. Your work is to figure out WHO you are... What do YOU enjoy? What do YOU want out of a relationship? How do YOU feel you should be treated? At the moment these questions are being answered by another person's actions - and you teach people how to treat you for good or for bad. I'm not preaching at you because I was downtrodden and treated like dirt. Then I decided I had to answer the questions above for my own sanity. Instead of visualising about him when you are down (which is the worst time to do it anyway, due to the intense feelings of low self worth and desperation) script the person you want to be, not just in a relationship in life in general. Then really live like that person would live. How would she react to being called "childish"? How would she feel about being dropped when he decided? How confident would she feel about walking into work whether he was there or not? Make it a game, when you go to YOUR business, to act in the way that scripted woman would who had complete control over her life, who knew her worth and her boundaries. You will soon become that person, and THEN you will be a position to do the PW visualisations.....if you still want him then anyway lol!. Find your power lady!!![/quote]
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