Lanie Stevens "Empowering Women" -
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[quote=Justaspeckintheuniverse][quote=Aphrodite11]Friends, I just found out he has gotten married!!!!!!!!!! NO body told me about this. But my pathetic ass just added his number in my cell phone and checked his whatsapp profile. That is how I found out. When he broke up with me he said his marriage would be only a adjustment. But then he started posting all the lovey dovey things for her. When I asked him he said it was not in the sense in which I was taking it. Now that he is married he has posted a lovey dovey photo with her. And his status is "just married". How is this just an adjustment?!!!!!!!!!! From the picture they look as if they are very nice with each other and as if they have known each other for very long and have feelings for each other!!!!!!!!!! People don't post such things till they really feel something for each other!!!!!!!!! I want to throw up!!!!!!!!! I am in my office!!!!!!!!!! I went out and cried a lot !!!!!!!!!!! My hands are shaking right now !!!!!!!!!!!! I can't breath properly !!!!!!!!!!! I feel as if someone has stabbed me in my throat !!!!!!!! I am so sorry girls and boys !!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to post my success story someday but I have just posted a failure!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't do PW each and every single day !!!!!!!!!! I started procrastinating a lot !!!!!!!!!! And didn't do it enough in past few weeks!!!!!!!!!! I AM SORRY EVERYONE !!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't inspire anyone here!!!!!!!! I am crushed right now !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am shaking so much !!!!!!!!!! My new year is ruined !!!!!!!!! What a loser !!!!!!!!!!!![/quote] I will share my story with you. In 2015 I was so angry with my ex I cut off all contact. I told him he was dead to me. I even said in my mind "I don't care if he gets married and has kids with his first love!" And " I don't care if he dies!" Months passed and I was so enraged and washed my hands of him. Then I got this feeling I should contact him. I didn't for the longest time out of stubborn pride, I was so angry. Then one day I did because I felt like I should listen to that feeling. So I contacted him telling him I had a feeling I should contact him. He told me he was dying and engaged to his first love and she was already pregnant with their child. I was crushed on multiple levels. I felt I manifested all of this. I prayed for him not to die and I felt the loving spirit rush through me as if everything was going to be ok. When we were together, he was an atheist and I was agnostic. I lost my faith in Christianity, but secretly prayed to God to show himself to my ex if he was real. My ex had become a Christian while we were broken up. I got my answer to that prayer. I did pw on him immediately and bwd. Hours after bwd I heard a voice in my head say "you'll find someone else" I read a review that said if they block you on social media it's working, so I checked to see he had blocked me on FB despite our last message being cordial. My ex and I had a psychic bond and he could read my mind sometimes and when I was in extreme distress he could even feel it. We're both psychics. I knew people was working. One morning I thought to myself as I awoke "he will be mine" I then heard his voice in my head like a radio say " oh really?" I was shocked almost like he was messing with me or daring me. I remembered in my tear filled conversation with him how he said " I really wanted it to be you" about marrying and having children with me. his fiancée was pregnant with a son. It was odd because I could feel a soul of a boy in my womb with the same name they chose for him. I knew he was supposed to be my son. It made no sense . I was hurt and confused. I continued pw and bwd because I am a persistent and determined woman. I was on my iPad and his fiancées FBI page was on my history from when I was obsessing over them both. My ex was no longer a mutual friend on the alternate acount I almost never use(not the one he blocked me one) by the way he eventually unblocked me on my main account. I assumed he I friended me. I clean out my history, so I dont have to see that again. One morning I woke up. I fell asleep without doing pw because I was too tired. And I thought to myself." I slept through last nights session." And he sent me the thought. "It wouldn't work." I was so mad at this point I did pw twice a day. One morning between sleep and wakefulness I heard his voice "(sons name) is dead. Do you hear me? Brat. Bitch!" I heard the word bitch in my head a lot after that. He was angry with me. I cried because I didn't want the baby to die. Though in the back of my mind I didn't think he'd live not after I felt him in my own womb, but I pushed the thought out of my mind because it was too unpleasant. After that I stopped doing pw. I didn't have the heart to save for one goodbye session where I said I was sorry to him. I started having bizarre nightmares about my ex. Psychic dreams that made little sense. I had people giving me cryptic messages in one instance I was able to summon him and he was angry it was him except he was orange. He said "I'm right here, bitch. And we wrestled and I woke up. Eventually I realized he was sending me psychic attack through his rage. I noticed I was on his friends list, he was no longer with his fiancée. I realized I should show him compassion. I was talking to a friend. My ex an I had some less than cordial exchanges he called me a weirdo, despite some of the things he's told me which I won't bring up here because it won't betray his trust. He has had his own psychic experiences that aren't easy to believe. Time passed. I stopped pw because I couldn't do it. I felt I was hurting him. The last exchange he said he was achey. I thought I might do a healing pw on him. So I did. I told him how much I love him. 2 days between being asleep and awake I get a message from him. (Name) I love you. I will always love you. Goodbye. I couldn't look directly at him, but his shadow looked bizarre. It was a man with a tall hat like an ancient Egyptian crown and a scythe. I do pw again with healing. I tell him I love him. That he's going to be so happy and his pain is gone. Last night I heard a female tell me she promised to send me the right man. It crushed me. I imagine she is my spirit guide. I had another spirit guide tell me I needed to let him go. I've been trying , but it isn't easy.[/quote]
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