Lanie Stevens "Empowering Women" -
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[quote=Oasiscalm][quote=Mcleanie77]Quote from: Mr positive on October 26, 2011, 04:47:23 AM Some of his grammar's abit off but anyway i also hope I'm not reposting this and someone already did 😏 A quick precis; Mr Positive had said that the Hicks don't advocate attracting a specific person back, I quoted that and asked him why that mattered and above, his response. So, this is what I'm seeing right now - and any judgements which appear to be being made are coming from personal experience, as well as witnessing posters on here. I'm passionate about people being happy and getting what they want and no-one loves a Success Story more than I (well, I'm sure we all love them!); I want to see weddings and babies and parent-in-laws and happy tears, so please, if this sounds spiky, it's coming from a place of love. What I see, time and time again, is people being given the tools to create their own lives, and not using them. We KNOW what we have to do. We KNOW that beliefs create our reality. And if we went and read some amateur quantum physics books (The Intention Experiment by Lynne McTaggart is a MUST), we'd all KNOW that intention works, that people can influence other people, belief can be watched on a flickering TV in a science lab. There's a story in there of a guy who, sitting next to a plant, decided to send the intention to the plant that he was going to pour acid on it and as the plant was rigged up to some kind of ECG machine, watched as its response shot off the radar. He continued to think the thought occasionally, and watched as the plant reacted until there came a time where the plant had LEARNT that this thought didn't actually equate to action and thus didn't react when he thought about acid. So, the man decided to think a thought pertaining to a different way of injuring him. And the plant once again reacted as it did in the very first instance. Now, if a man can merely THINK something in the presence of a different species and that reacts, than can people get their exes back? Er, doh..... But we HAVE to be secure, cemented and relaxed in our beliefs and what is happening on here time and time again is people pertain to believing stuff, wait 3 days, and then stamp their feet. Or threaten suicide. Or say it's not working. And I've done that, so with one finger pointing at you, there are three pointing back at myself. If we read something and someone goes, 'no, you can't attract a specific person,' we get down. And then we get buoyed when we read the Success Stories forum. And then our ex doesn't react the way we want them to, so we get down. And then we get a PM from someone on here and back up the belief chart we soar until something else happens and we slump. When our beliefs are that fickle, that changeable, is it any wonder that people fail? Because amongst all the talk of hope and faith and visualisation, I don't think I've ever seen a mention of DISCIPLINE; mental discipline. Being keen and observant and strict with your own thoughts. The thoughts we think are lazy and habitual, but they are that way from years of thinking the same stuff - who here sits and concentrates, meditates twice a day for 30 minutes, takes full responsibility for their lives, thinks only positive thoughts, works at changing a negative thought into a positive thought, doesn't give in to doubt, doesn't give a shit about what someone says if it runs contrary to their desire, and doesn't seek reassurance as a prop for their slumped beliefs? Intention and belief are muscles like any other and they need working to be strong, they need to build up a memory from thinking and intending and believing new things, however awkward they may feel at first. People lapse, people collapse back into doubt and fear and I understand why. I do the same thing. But there is a huge body of scientific work, operating at the quantum level - very important stuff - showing that belief and thought work. That this stuff exists. That however hippyish it may appear, and however many centuries that bloody Rhonda Byrne woman has put this back by dripping her books in faux waxen seals and flowery italic script, that on a QUANTUM level - the universe, particles, sub atomic particles, things we will never see and never fully understand - respond to thought. Free will - I've never understood this. How we can move mountains and conceive of sending men to the Moon and attracting a million quid but somehow the horse politely stops short of ever influencing anyone else. No, we can't do that. Er, how does society work? How do vibes work? How do you know that someone at work doesn't like you? It's energy, it's vibes, it's all that stuff. We're influencing everyone with everything we do, so please put that free will crap to bed. If science is to believed - and I think that there's a certain merit to it ; ), then please see that we're all interconnected, that all our cells are constantly communicating, that once two people have been together, however euphemistically you wish to view that, those cells remain in contact. Science shows this. 'Free will' is an emotive term. Loosely put, the idea that we're all individuals is possibly a less scientifically rigid view of ourselves. We do NOT live in isolation. Don't get drunk on other people's successes only to wake up with a massive hangover the next day because your ex hasn't asked you to marry them. Get straight in your own mind first. KNOW that it can be done but understand what you have to do to get there. The quantum physics section of this forum is one of the most under-used as far as I can see, but I've got so much from reading The Intention Experiment and relating it to what I'm doing now. In 1985, a group of Buddhist monks were witnessed sitting half naked in a frozen monastery, deep winter, meditating. From time to time, another monk would place soaking wet, cold sheets on their back and do you know what happened? Through the power of their mind, they increased their body temperature to the point where they dried the sheets on their back. We - YOU - can do, or be or have anything and there are NO exceptions, but you HAVE to do the legwork, and I think some of us (me included) are guilty of skipping that bit. Another book - Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard says the same thing. (Go and find it on YouTube - I tried to load it as videos but am low on time and you're all clever people). Believe you're there and you are. Believe you have it and you do. Believe you can and you can. A monk, sitting in a monastery in winter, drying icy wet sheets on his back through the power of his mind; he didn't wait until summer, piss about a bit, drip dry them over the Tibetan monasteries and claim to have done all that 'cause otherwise he'd have got chillblains; he BELIEVED he was 20 degrees hotter than he was and he got there. (By the way, the Goddard book is fab, partly because he says at the start - and I'm paraphrasing, 'I'm not going to fill this book full of success stories because all a person needs to know is in the text; create your own evidence and you won't need anyone else's.' I love that - locus of control and belief coming from yourself) But please don't underestimate what belief is and what it takes; do the hard work and know that it is hard work. We are talking about using our minds actively, and no offence to 95% of us, but our minds are probably the most underused bit of ourselves. Nurture that. Train your mind. Send it to where you want to go. BE in the situations you wish to create. And then you will be With love Tins[/quote] Love this post 👏👏[/quote]
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