Lanie Stevens "Empowering Women" -
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[quote=I am queen][quote=Blue][quote=I am queen]This may sound weird and bad but still I would like to see a meditation and guidance for how we can do that thing lanie did to d the guy who hurt her bad ; one with his balls and the other with his heart ! This can be used for self defence against wrong men who abuse and trouble us as a way to be well equipped to protect ourselves or with those who threaten to kill our sanity and need more aggressive approach to back off !! I would really love one that would help me to be able to do those things lanie did with her ex men who made her life hell !! 😊[/quote] I don't think she will, honestly - because she has said revenge is not what she wants nor does she believe anymore in doing the technique to hurt others. I think the best thing to do with people who threaten our sanity is to cut that person off and make our own fields and auras stronger so they can't effect us. Plus, people won't use it for "defense" - a lot of people will use those meditations to intentionally hurt others.[/quote] Hey blue, I disagree with u dear !! LANIE is all about empowering females and in many cases these things are far needed to be applied ! If it was truly that bad LANIE wouldn't have used it nor mentioned it in her books ! She has cos she wants her sisters to know that one can defend like this and also ensure the one hurting is taught a lesson !! And all of us here are mature and responsible adults !! And karma is also at play whether anyone watches over us or not,karma sees all !! Moreover That way blue with all due respects to u and others who feel this is wrong even this loa,pw bwd also can be misused (for example one can try it on a married man or married woman) won't that account for something wrong as well ?! It all depends on how one sees it,what the intention is and what it is used for! And it would be better if LANIE takes a stand whether she wants to go ahead and do it or not is left to her and she can make that decision without anyone else answering for her if she will do it or not do it !! This is an open forum and suggestions were asked by all people here for topics and I suggested mine ! I would prefer LANIE to decide whether she would do it or not do it and in both cases I would respect her decision !! No offence at all to u blue and let me tell u I really love ur posts and ur inspiring write ups which has been a very big help for every single person on This forum !! Please do not get me wrong here,but it seems like u want to decide for her ! Correct me if I am wrong and I am ok to change my decision,if I have ny chance mistaken it ! Lots of love to all !! ❤😘❤😘 P.s those who don't approve of it they shouldn't buy it incase she does make it ! Those who approve can go ahead and buy it and help themselves and the weaker ones in their life! 😊🙏🏼[/quote]
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