Lanie Stevens "Empowering Women" -
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[quote=Blissful]I'm just going to bulk reply to everyone in one go as you still have to wait 10 mins each time you post on the same thread [url=]unicornsnrainbows[/url] [i]Wow, that is the best news Blissful! Keep up the good vibes, and keep your eye on the goal.[/i] -Thank you hun, definitely keeping my eye on the prize! haha and won't settle for crumbs this time! [url=]Samibaby21[/url] [i]Yayy that's so exciting!![/i] -Yes!! I am super excited to see some major progress, this stuff works, just need to keep the faith and let the universe take care of the rest :) [url=]Avaelle[/url] [i]Arrrrrggggh! How thrilling!!!! I'm happy for you!!!![/i] - Thank you love, I woke up with the biggest grin on my face this morning! [url=]jellyb[/url] [i]Yaaaaaaayyyyy![/i] - :) :) Thank you for you help yesterday! [url=]Cutie0123[/url] [i]Omg i'm so happy for you!!☺️😍[/i] -Thank you, hope this reaffirms that even when we don't see progress for a while (we haven't spoken in two months) it is always working and the universe lines everything up for you when the timing is right :) [url=]Jen[/url] [i]Keep up that positive energy and vibration 🙌🏻[/i] [i]I'm so happy for you. ❤[/i] - Couldn't have gone better! trying to still keep my cool and stay focused on what I want and not get too ahead of myself! [url=]StrawberryKitten[/url] [i]That is great news !! I love reading updates like this ! So happy for you ❤️[/i] - I am so happy to finally have my own little successful update! I find it super encouraging reading others so I hope mine can help those feeling doubtful of the techniques :) [/quote]
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