Lanie Stevens "Empowering Women" -
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[quote=Piper][quote=carly100]I'm quite confused after reading PW and then reading this. Lanie you say it always works but then on this thread you "need an ember to ignite a fire or else its like ressurecting a corpse" but in the book it states " there is nothing that you can't get your man to do say or to feel". So that's almost a bit of a contradiction. The way you describe the technique in your book as if your man/woman will be chomping at the bit just to be with you and will have loads of desire and "you will have him begging you back" but then I'm just confused as to why they wouldn't contact you and many on here don't have the perceived success. I get what you say that you can't fail to reach your target with the technique, but in terms of giving them the emotion that you visualize seems like it could be dependent on many things. Also why would someone need to "give up" and "move on" if it always changes the emotion of a person and they will think about you? Like in your book it says "if you follow my instructions you will make him miss you, think of you and desire you". But yet on this forum I've seen people's exes who have told them to get lost and never contact them again, just doesn't make any sense. Belief is emphasized a lot with making it work but in your book you state "you don't have to believe in magic to try it and have it work". Please everyone don't get angry at me, I'm just curious as I need a bit of encouragement. I'm not trying to be negative but just need to develop faith. Whenever you question the technique on here, I've noticed you get bullied, which contradicts what people say about the LOA. I think it can work though. I'm still a newbie and only been doing this a month, but had no signs. Maybe I need to work on the LOA and let go and have fun in life and detatch from the outcome.[/quote] I think you just figured out what you need to do - it's in you last paragraph :). I think this was touched on already about what seems to be a contradiction and I believe that she changed her wording because people throw it back at her that she says it works everytime. It does, BUT, you cannot make someone act on their emotions, so sometimes people decide to give up because of that. Faith is important, IMHO. And I only feel like there were a couple of people who were quite rude to others who questioned the technique, but not bullied per se, as that is used way too loosely it seems. I think people have a right to question, but sometimes the way they go about it is rude and attacks Lanie and the other posters. People don't like to be called out on their BS. And that works both ways - with the asker and the answer-er. Sorry if I didn't answer you questions. Also, a month is not very long, and I don't ever look for signs, they find me. Just relax and do the techniques when you are feeling it. Don't stress. Life is too short. I know what it's like to love and want someone, but we won't die without them.[/quote]
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