Lanie Stevens "Empowering Women" -
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[quote=Ratpack]When I first started this, I read some 25 day challenges to get your ex back. I saw different things like "this morning eat a really healthy breakfast. This afternoon go for a walk or spend 30 minutes exercising. This evening watch a really great feel good movie" and I was so irritated. I'm trying to get this guy. What is this!?!? Tell me what I can do to get him back!!! What I didn't understand is THIS IS HOW TO GET HIM BACK! Detaching and making your life about you and you alone is exactly how it works. What they don't talk about nearly enough in many "specific person manifestation" books and forums is how necessary self-love is. LOA isn't a "get your ex back" thing. It's EVERYTHING!!! Great jobs, great relationships, great vacations, great interactions, great cars, there is no limit to the awesomeness we all bring into our lives. The only limit we have is ourselves. The thing that people don't understand is manifesting a specific person is a very small part of what you should be doing. The vast majority is self-love. Don't spend more than about 30-60 minutes a day doing techniques on him. Instead, mediatate and clear your mind. Do you know what incredible things I've had come to me in deep meditation? Oh my goodness!! Clarity!!! In your original post, you talked solely about him. How he likes the easier option. Stop saying that. He wants you and only you. You said you're so much more "this and that" than this other woman. Stop making her a factor. She had nothing to do with your reality, your life, or your future. She's as big or as small as you make her. I know you're hurting, honey. I do. I was there. I was spending 2-3 hours a day doing visualizing and PW and a dozen other techniques I learned. All it got me was into a place of anger, sadness, desperation, and obsession. Cutting the cord wasn't enough for me. Cords can reattach if they're strong and I was barely putting a dent in the cords. I had to have a chi healing session to clear my energy (which also isn't talked about enough on these forums... there are so many different techniques that will help including chi, Reiki, sensory deprivation floating, transcendent meditation, EFT, and the list goes on forever). My guy? He totally dropped me when the "easier and less pretty woman" was available. I heard he was engaged to her and I laughed. I seriously laughed. Nah. I told myself they were growing apart. They are moving too fast and didn't give it enough time and it's going to be their undoing. Then I stopped making her a factor. Guess what? That's exactly what is unfolding right now with them. It's just not jiving how they thought it would. New relationships seem scary to us because they seem so into each other. It's the long-term stuff that really makes or beaks something. So stop making this new woman more than she is. You should be spending your days working on you. I listen to affirmations in the car and at the grocery store. I meditate in the car pickup line at the kids' school. I look in the mirror and tell myself how much I love myself. I do EFT tapping at least twice a day. I focus on my kids and career and other relationships over anything else. If you saw me a year ago, you'd be pretty impressed. I won't go into the self-loathing and worthlessness and crippling depression, but I will tell you that today, right now, I'm so excited about my life. I started my journey trying to get a man. I don't have him. I don't even care if he comes back anymore. I'm too busy loving me. Will he come back? Without a fricken doubt! Am I worrying about it, watching my phone for texts, checking his social media, or counting how long I've been working on it? Nope. Not for a minute. And I'm so much happier for it. Seriously, do a cord cutting, maybe look into Reiki or Chi healing if you can't get control of the pain, and don't worry about it for a month. You do you, boo boo. When you're in a better place, you'll see how fast everything, including him, falls into your lap.[/quote]
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