Lanie Stevens "Empowering Women" -
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[quote=Aliceinwonderland]HI Forgetmenot111, [i]"Do you ever do your visualizations on your own? Or do you only do it to Lanie's MP3s? I have read on other forums that people visualize the end results or specific scenarios they would like to manifest with their POI. What're your thoughts on that??"[/i] I typically use Lanie's guided meditations. Just because they are so good and help me direct my thoughts. [i]"I have been looking at his instagram the past few days and I know he's following 2 new girls, so I'm sure he's trying to find someone. Which I don't understand why because I am perfect for him & RIGHT HERE! Although..[/i] Social media really makes us have a ton of anxiety, which in turn puts us at a lower and more negative vibration..therefore we arent a match for what we really want. This is the contrast. It feels bad, but shows us we need to take a minute and pivot our thoughts to the positive and embrace the happy thoughts again. I went through this myself wondering, who is he with? why did he become friends with this girl or that girl on facebook? are they seeing eachother? The reality is IT DOESNT MATTER. Whatever is manifesting right now, is what WAS, and where your vibration was at. Not what is. Make a conscious effort to change your vibration and point of attraction, and ignore what you see. If this is difficult, then make every effort to stay off his Instagram. Here is helpful video: Abraham Hicks:Get on the Same Frequency to Receive it (YouTube) The takeaway from this video is to ignore what is manifesting right now, because there is a reality where you have already achieved what you want and it is already happening, you just need to be a match to it. [b][u]Manifest the emotion of having it already. [/u][/b]Focus on your own emotions and keeping your vibration as high as you can for as long as you can. Continue doing PW and BWD and itll all come. [quote=forgetmenot111]Alice, Thank you for your response (AGAIN!) :) I would love to get my sessions in when I know for sure he's sleeping. It's just been difficult to use Lanie's guided meditation lately- the 25 minutes have been difficult for me to stay awake. Do you ever do your visualizations on your own? Or do you only do it to Lanie's MP3s? I have read on other forums that people visualize the end results or specific scenarios they would like to manifest with their POI. What're your thoughts on that?? I will definitely continue doing them and I am TRYING to keep the Faith. I have been looking at his instagram the past few days and I know he's following 2 new girls, so I'm sure he's trying to find someone. Which I don't understand why because I am perfect for him & RIGHT HERE! Although... I know the Universe is making both of us the best for one another right now- that's what I have to keep telling myself. & I know I need to stop stalking because whatever the current state doesn't affect the end result. I need to just keep positive. Thanks for clarifying the subliminals! I will start listening to them around the house *since I can't use them at work being a teacher*[/quote] [/quote]
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