Lanie Stevens "Empowering Women" -
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[quote=Emma]Tiny back story i was seeing my SP about 2 years ago, it ended because i was in a really bad/dark place, we got on really well, never fought and it never ended badly and have remained on good terms ever since. After we split up my SP told a mutual friend that he had wanted to help me but i wouldn't let him so he didn't know what to do and that it became hard work(if you knew the whole story you'd probably understand why i was being as i was). I bitterly regret that i hadn't dealt with prior issues so i could have been 100% focused on my SP, but having said that my SP has been the biggest blessing of my life and the kick up the ass i needed at the time, my family and friends are so grateful for what he did for me. Throughout the past 2 years we'd message each other every so often i'd say 95% of the time it would be me initiating it, we'd also speak if we see each other, then last year when i seen him on a few nights out on 2 occasions we did end up kissing so i feel there's still a physical connection. I'd been trying various ex back programmes but i feel they made me feel needy because i was so focused on not having him. Since being with my SP i've completely got myself together had grief counselling, i'm in the best health i've been in for years, previously i felt like i was merely existing in life but now i'm living my life making plans going out more, been on holidays booking concerts, just basically doing anything that makes me happy. I'd tried various ex-back programmes etc so would contact my SP every so often to check in and try and initiate things. At the end of last year my friend told me to watch the Secret and since then i've been looking more and more into LOA thats when i found Lanie's website and books, i brought PW and then in January purchased the meditations and began these. I have not initiated any messages with my SP this year i've only been doing PW and Agnes's 3rd party meditation because of problems with his ex. I've began noticing changes though he's started including me in what i'm guessing are generic snapchats to his friends he hasn't been doing this since November last year(obviously i see his snapchat storys). A few weeks back i had problems with his ex which ended up in a physical fight between her and my cousin, my SP found out (he doesn't speak to ex) and he messaged me saying he felt bad about it and asked what his ex was playing at, we exchanged a couple of texts and that was it. I carried on with my evening and morning meditations. Last sunday i was going out with some friends i woke up on sunday morning did BWD, felt slightly connected, throughout the day i was thinking i hope i see my SP out that night, i began getting ready again thinking i hope i see him and the next thing i get a snapchat from my SP showing that he was staying in, i was a little disappointed but once ready i put a picture of me and my cousin on my snapchat story(i'm not a big fan of social media i try and keep my stuff private), i'm not a very confident person but thought it was a nice picture, obviously i could see that my SP had seen it. Lately i've been exhausted so on my evening meditations i've been falling asleep during the 3rd party one but i'll always start the day with a PW. Tuesday evening i was watching TV an advert came on for a pregnancy test in that instance my brain automaticlly switched and i imagined it was me and my SP it felt that real i got excitement butterflies in my stomach and even blurted it out. That evening i went to bed fell asleep during 3rd party but then woke at 4am, i felt like doing PW so did and then when i woke again in the morning i did it again, this time i felt connected, i imagined him saying how nice i looked sunday and that he was disappointed he wasn't out, i always imagine him saying other stuff more future based things, but i always imagine him saying he'll message me and then i reply saying 'message Em .....'. During Pw i had to tell him i had to go to work and that we'd said speak later then i kissed him goodbye, just as i'd do had he actually have been with me. I started getting ready for work, watched the Love Magnet EFT and then began listening to Lanie's ex-back subliminal(i do listen to this daily). Went to work, i was thinking about my SP but just random thoughts, my phone was on silent, the next thing i looked and HE'D MESSAGED ME, asking how i was and had i sorted things with his ex, i replied saying i was good asking how he was and that i'd told his ex that that things had to be dropped. He replied asking what was new with me etc so i told him about a few things i have planned etc and likewise he was telling me some of the stuff he had planned, we exchange 3 messages in the day then he messaged me again 9.11pm (which i think is a weird time). I feel like there's been a shift in me i was incredibly happy to receive his message and i want more than anything for us to get back together but when he text me yesterday it felt natural and a natural excitement, i wasn't feeling a neediness expectancy for him to reply nor was i worrying about how to reply to him to try and keep the texts going.Its hard to explain how natural it felt but my whole body filled with happiness[img][/img], i'm not going to lie i did go to the bathroom and was jumping and fist punching the air with happiness, couldn't have exactly done that in an office full of people[img][/img] I know its only a few texts but that morning during PW thats what i asked him to do, likewise i haven't been contacting him since last year i've only been doing PW he's been sending me more snapchats, so he must be feeling some connection right??!! Obviously a text is not my end goal, i want to be back in a relationship and have a future with him. Can anyone suggest how to deepen my connection or how i can improve things?? I keep a daily journal and over the past 2 months i've noticed more changes with my SP, so feel the universe is definitely listening, 2 weeks ago i was actually reading my journal about some of the positive things i'd been noticing and at that very point he snapchat me. I was questioning things thinking they were coincidences but there's been to many lately so i truly believe somethings happening, what do you think?? I haven't told anyone about him snap chatting me or messaging me, other than you lovely ladies because i don't want to jinx my manifestation. Do you think things are heading the right way? Today i feel so happy and contented because i'm trying to think of my end goal more rather than what happens in between if that makes sense Sorry for the long message, the suns shining my heart feels full of love today so much love to you all <3 xxx[/quote]
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