Lanie Stevens "Empowering Women" -
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[quote=sk181191]Hi everyone! I'm new to the forum so this is my first time posting (sorry if this is being discussed somewhere else, I couldnt find it). Here's the scenario - I met the man of my dreams earlier this year. I knew straight away on our first date that he was the One. He did all the chasing, and we quickly became best friends. We spoke all day, everyday and he would genuinely give me butterflies everytime we spoke and met. The only issue was, he wasn't priorisiting our dates. He's the man about town, a party king, and literally never had time to see me. When I confronted him that I wanted to see him more frequently given the amount we spoke on the phone etc. he said he wasn't ready to commit at this stage in his life. He asked if we could stay friends as we had become so close and he can't believe how well we get along, and asked me not to rule out a reconciliation in the future. I said we can't be friends, and I won't rule out a reconciliation, but I will also not wait for him. The very next day, he tried messaging me as friends and commented on my photo saying how pretty I looked. replied telling him that was inappropriate as my heart was still broken and it's confusing for me. I cut contact and since the breakup, I have been practising remote seduction, PW and BWD. He messages me on instagram (by replying to my stories) with pointless comments, but they're clearly pointless excuses for him to just message me because I KNOW HE MISSES ME. (We both acknowledged our special connection in our brief 3 month romance). Anyway, 2 months later, I have not initiated contact once, but everytime he messages (about every 5-10 days) - I reply politely, and end the conversation as none of the messages suggest getting back together (theyre just friendly). Sometimes the messages were naughty about how he was thinking about me in bed at night... you get the picture ;) THEN - he messaged me about 2 weeks ago saying he missed me. I just replied politely and again said nothing (all whilst continuing my meditations). He messaged again a few days ago saying he missed me again, and we agreed to catch up. We had our date yesterday! BUT on the date, we kept emphasising how nice it was to have me back as a friend and he really missed my company. He asked if i was dating anyone else, and i told him i had been on a few dates with someone but it is not serious and he kept asking about the new guy. He told me he wasn't dating anyone right now, and still feels like [b]he isn't ready to commit to anyone, and he's scared to get a girlfriend because it means he has to sacrifice his current lifestyle. [/b] He texted me straight after the date saying how much fun he had, and he has missed me so much and we should do dinner next time. The date with him only emphasised how much i care for him, and how much he truly means to me, and how much I miss him too. I can't be his friend, I am trying to distract myself and move on, because I do believe he will come back to me but [b]is there anyway I can make him commit? [/b] [b]What techniques can I use to make him grow up and commit? I am currently using the PW and BWD meditations, and occasionally use some of Agnes youtube meditations. I have also tried Amargi Hillier's remote seduction but as I want to manifest a TRUE RELATIONSHIP WITH MY SP I am cautious not to use to many sexual seductions. [/b] I know I hold some power here, because [u][b]HE MISSES ME![/b][/u]!! BUT he still just wants to be friends, and isn't ready to commit. He is exceptionally good looking, so finding a sexual partner isn't hard for him and he is just so charming all the ladies love him. Please advise dear friends :) [/quote]
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